Define Fish Group
Select Release Year, Species, Run Type, Rear Type
No Selection-Run Type
No Selection-Rear Type
W+H-Wild and Hatchery
Select Tag Coordinator
No Selection-Tag Coordinator
AAB-Alan Byrne, IDFG [2006]
ACG-Andrew Grassell, CPUD [2006]
ACP-Ethan Crawford, WDFW [active]
AEK-Andre Kohler, SHOBAN [2010]
AFB-Matt Belnap, IDFG [2008]
AFE-Allen Evans, RTR [active]
AFP-Jim LeMieux, KTI [active]
AFS-Kat Gillies-Rector, IDFG [active]
AJG-Andrew Gingerich, DC1PUD [active]
AJV-Alexis Vaivoda, CTWSR [active]
ALS-Ann Setter, ODFW [active]
AMR-Michelle Rub, NMFS [active]
APD-Allen Evans, RTR [active]
APR-Andy Reasoner, DUCKSU [active]
BAD-Michele Weaver, ODFW [2012]
BAR-Brad Ryan, NMFS [active]
BCJ-Polly Gibson, ODFW [active]
BCS-Kurt Tardy, SHOBAN [active]
BDA-Bill Arnsberg, NPT [active]
BDB-Brian Benjamin, ODFW [active]
BDL-Brian Leth, IDFG [active]
BDM-Lora Tennant, NPT [active]
BDW-David Lind, YINN [active]
BGK-Lance Keller, CPUD [2013]
BGT-Behr Turner, GPUD [2008]
BHM-Bruce Monk, NMFS [active]
BIO-Kaylyn Costi, CTUIR [active]
BJB-Brett Bowersox, IDFG [active]
BMI-David Thompson, BIOMRK [active]
BPK-Brian Kennedy, UIDAHO [active]
BPS-Brook Silver, USFWS [active]
BRB-Brian Beckman, NMFS [active]
CAC-Carrie Crump, CTUIR [active]
CAG-Benjamin Warren, WDFW [active]
CAM-Kate Deters, PNL [active]
CAP-Chris Peery, COE [active]
CAR-Chris Reighn, SHOBAN [active]
CBB-Frank Mullins, USFWS [active]
CBM-Kate Deters, PNL [active]
CCC-Chris Caudill, ICFWRU [active]
CCP-Charlie Cochran, WDFW [active]
CCW-Catherine Willard, CPUD [active]
CDA-Thomas Biladeau, CDAT [active]
CDR-Craig Rabe, NPT [active]
CED-Benjamin Warren, WDFW [active]
CEJ-Chris Jordan, NMFS [2011]
CFB-Cyndi Baker, ODFW [active]
CFM-Charles Morrill, WDFW [active]
CGN-Will Simpson, USFWS [active]
CGS-Charles Snow, WDFW [active]
CHE-Colleen Suter, [active]
CJP-Andrea Pearl, CCT [active]
CLD-Curt Dotson, GPUD [active]
CM-Christine Mallette, ODFW [active]
CME-Lance Keller, CPUD [active]
CMK-Jeffrey Caisman, YINN [active]
CMP-Lance Keller, CPUD [active]
COH-Mike Bisbee, NPT [active]
COW-Benjamin Warren, WDFW [active]
CPL-Graham Mytton, USFWS [active]
CPN-Adrian Tuohy, WFC [active]
CRC-Aspen Nelson, CTUIR [active]
CRE-Jason Smith, CREST [active]
CRF-Benjamin Warren, WDFW [active]
CRH-Benjamin Cross, CCT [2014]
CSM-David Thompson, BIOMRK [active]
CSS-Jerry McCann, FPC [active]
CTF-Holly McLellan, CCT [active]
CWS-Jason McLellan, CCT [active]
CWV-Gregory Taylor, COE [active]
DAB-Dean Brege, NMFS [active]
DAC-Dave Cannamela, IDFG [active]
DAN-Duane Neitzel, PNL [active]
DAV-David Venditti, IDFG [active]
DAW-Dave Wills, USFWS [active]
DBJ-David Johnson, NPT [active]
DBR-Terry Shrader, ODFW [active]
DDT-Kurt Tardy, SHOBAN [active]
DFM-Jeremy Trump, WDFW [active]
DJD-Dan Donima, PGE [active]
DJG-Danielle Grundy, YINN [active]
DJN-Doug Nemeth, IDFG [active]
DMH-David Hand, USFWS [2009]
DMM-Steven Smith, NMFS [active]
DPC-Doug Cramer, PGE [active]
DPL-Chas Kyger, DC1PUD [active]
DPM-Dave Marvin, PSMFC [active]
DRH-Doug Hatch, CRITFC [active]
DSF-Derek Fryer, COE [active]
DTL-Daylen Isaac, YINN [active]
DTV-Dimitri Vidergar, IDFG [active]
DWW-David Welch, KRC [2011]
EDL-Eric Lauver, GPUD [active]
EEH-Eric Hockersmith, NMFS [active]
EES-Eric Schulz, PGE [active]
EFP-Sandy Downing, NMFS [active]
EIT-Gabriel Temple, WDFW [active]
EJL-Eric Leitzinger, IDFG [active]
EMD-Earl Dawley, NMFS [active]
ENT-Keith van den Broek, [2012]
EVD-Erick Van Dyke, ODFW [active]
EWB-Nolan Smith, [active]
FAG-Fred Goetz, COE [2005]
FCM-Marika Dobos, IDFG [active]
FPR-Brian Miller, CCT [active]
FWE-Tom Desgroseillier, WDFW [active]
FWY-Brittany Beebe, USFWS [active]
GAA-Jesse J. Lamb, NMFS [active]
GAM-Geoff McMichael, PNL [2014]
GBZ-Gayle Zydlewski, USFWS [active]
GCS-Paul Grutter, OTHER [active]
GCV-Jamie Lamperth, WDFW [active]
GES-Gene Shippentower, CTUIR [active]
GRM-Chris Gregersen, KCWLRD [active]
GRP-Gene Ploskey, PNL [active]
GSH-Glen Holmberg, USGS [active]
GSW-Amy Hansen, [active]
GWM-Nolan Smith, [active]
HLB-Frank Mullins, USFWS [active]
HRP-Christine Longjohn, [active]
HRR-Lindsay Powell, ODFW [active]
HRW-Lindsay Powell, ODFW [active]
I90-Paul James, CWU [active]
IBP-Darcy McCarrick, IDFG [active]
IGJ-Ian Jezorek, USGS [active]
ILR-Amber Young, IDFG [active]
IMN-Brian Simmons, NPT [active]
IMW-Jamie Lamperth, WDFW [active]
IPC-Stuart Rosenberger, IPC [active]
IPR-Jessica Buelow, OTHER [active]
JAH-Jay Hesse, NPT [active]
JAR-Jesse Rivera, USFWS [active]
JAS-Jen Stone, USFWS [active]
JAY-Jeff Yanke, ODFW [active]
JCL-Lyman Jim, CTWSR [active]
JDB-Michael Herr, WDFW [active]
JDC-John Cassinelli, IDFG [2010]
JDF-James Fletcher, WFC [2009]
JDH-Jarod Hutcherson, BOR [active]
JDI-Gus Wathen, ELR [active]
JDZ-Joe Zydlewski, USFWS [active]
JEB-Rich Madden, PGE [active]
JJL-Jeff DiLuccia, IDFG [2012]
JJP-Jay Pravecek, IDFG [active]
JKB-Jody Brostrom, USFWS [2006]
JKF-Jeff Fryer, CRITFC [active]
JLC-Jim Congleton, ICFWRU [2003]
JLH-Lance Hebdon, IDFG [active]
JLV-Jason Vogel, NPT [active]
JMC-Jeremy Cram, WDFW [2014]
JMF-Jon Flinders, IDFG [2012]
JMH-Jon Hansen, NPT [active]
JMO-Frank Mullins, USFWS [active]
JMP-John Plumb, USGS [active]
JMS-Jennifer Schoolcraft, CPUD [active]
JNL-Jerry Lockhart, NPT [active]
JOC-John Robbins, NPT [active]
JPA-Jeff Abrams, IDFG [active]
JPW-Jody Walters, IDFG [active]
JRH-Jim Harbeck, NPT [active]
JSA-Jim LeMieux, KTI [active]
JSH-James Hughes, PNL [active]
JSW-Darren Ogden, NMFS [active]
JTH-Stacy Remple, ODFW [active]
JVT-Vince Tranquilli, ODFW [active]
KAA-Joshua Poole, IDFG [active]
KB-Kent Ball, IDFG [active]
KCM-Ethan Crawford, WDFW [active]
KDM-Kyle Martens, WDNR [2014]
KEP-Kurtis Plaster, IDFG [active]
KFT-Kenneth Tiffan, USGS [active]
KGM-Matt Abrahamse, YINN [active]
KGO-Benjamen Kennedy, USFWS [active]
KMC-Ken Collis, CRITFC [active]
KSP-Caleb Jetter, WDFW [active]
LCS-Lowell Stuehrenburg, NMFS [active]
LEW-steve yuncevich, PCE [active]
LGG-Tiffani Marsh, OTHER [2015]
LGR-Paul Burke, PSMFC [active]
LLL-Nicole Testing, PSMFC [active]
LMP-Rochelle Polacek, [active]
LOP-Dana Weigel, BOR [active]
LPD-Lytle Denny, SHOBAN [active]
LRB-Larry Basham, FPC [active]
LRK-Alix Blake, SPOKAN [active]
LRM-Marika Dobos, IDFG [active]
LSG-Anna Ringelman, CRITFC [active]
LWT-Kevin Poole, IDFG [2014]
MAP-John Heckel, IDFG [active]
MAW-James Hughes, PNL [2015]
MBE-Brad Eppard, NMFS [active]
MBL-Mike Lambert, CTUIR [active]
MCA-Michael Anderson, ODFW [active]
MCB-RD Nelle, USFWS [active]
MCC-Mike Clement, GPUD [active]
MCL-RD Nelle, USFWS [active]
MCR-Nolan Smith, [active]
MFM-Stuart Ellis, CRITFC [active]
MGM-Matt Mesa, USGS [active]
MH-Michael Hudson, USFWS [2011]
MHE-Tulley Mackey, MHE [active]
MHG-Michael Gessel, NMFS [active]
MJB-Mike Babcock, YINN [active]
MJP-Mike Parsley, USGS [2008]
MLB-Mike Blenden, NPT [active]
MLM-Mary Moser, OTHER [active]
MLS-Joe Bumgarner, WDFW [active]
MPC-Brian Knoth, IDFG [active]
MPF-Mike Faler, USFWS [2011]
MPP-Eric Johnson, IDFG [active]
MRC-Matt Cooper, USFWS [active]
MRP-John Heckel, IDFG [active]
MSH-Megan Hill, PGE [active]
MSR-Brett Bowersox, IDFG [active]
NAJ-Nicola Johnson, IDFG [active]
NBD-Alainah Hendrickx, WDFW [active]
NDD-Nancy Davis, UWASH [2009]
NPC-Peter Cleary, NPT [active]
NPM-Bruce Barnett, IDFG [active]
NRB-Nathan Brindza, IDFG [active]
OGR-Polly Gibson, ODFW [active]
OJD-Jacob Sleasman, ODFW [active]
ONA-Macus Ong, ONA [active]
ONC-Joseph Feldhaus, ODFW [active]
ONS-Joseph Feldhaus, ODFW [active]
ORT-Randy Johnson, CCT [active]
OSF-Howard Takata, ODFW [active]
OTD-Lindsay Powell, ODFW [active]
OUR-Taylor McCroskey, ODFW [active]
OWH-Luke Whitman, ODFW [active]
OWR-Fred Monzyk, ODFW [active]
PAK-Peter Cleary, NPT [active]
PCS-Nicole Tancreto, PSMFC [active]
PEB-Patricia Bigelow, USFWS [active]
PGG-Rod O'Connor, GPUD [active]
PHB-Will Simpson, USFWS [active]
PIT-Nicole Tancreto, PSMFC [active]
PJC-Brian Simmons, NPT [active]
PKL-Paul Kline, IDFG [2006]
PMS-Paul Sankovich, USFWS [2010]
PRM-Brian Knoth, IDFG [active]
PRS-Casey Baldwin, [2014]
PTL-Peter Lofy, CTUIR [active]
QCI-Michael Hall, BIOMRK [active]
RAM-Regan McNatt, NMFS [active]
RBK-Russ Kiefer, IDFG [2006]
RBR-Ralph Roseberg, USFWS [active]
RDL-Richard Ledgerwood, NMFS [active]
RDM-Rick Martinson, PSMFC [active]
RDN-RD Nelle, USFWS [2013]
REC-Anna Ringelman, CRITFC [active]
RED-Brooklyn Hudson, CCT [active]
RER-Justin McLaughlin, ODFW [active]
RFA-Randy Absolon, NMFS [active]
RFW-Robert Warren, SEARES [active]
RGP-Allan Martin, PSMFC [active]
RHW-Robert Wertheimer, COE [2010]
RKS-Luke Whitman, ODFW [active]
RLM-Lynn McComas, NMFS [active]
RLT-Rosanna Mensik, PSMFC [2014]
RLW-Robert Hogg, CTUIR [active]
RMC-Robert McDonald, CPUD [active]
RMK-Robert Keith, SHOBAN [active]
RNI-Steven Smith, NMFS [active]
RNK-Ryan Kinzer, NPT [active]
RPM-Bob Mueller, PNL [active]
RRM-Bruce Barnett, IDFG [active]
RRR-Ralph Steiner, IDFG [active]
RSH-Steven Richards, WDFW [active]
RWP-Russell Perry, USGS [active]
RWS-Wes Stonecypher, ODFW [active]
SA-Steve Achord, NMFS [active]
SAH-Susan Hinton, NMFS [2014]
SCS-Sherman Sprague, NPT [active]
SDO-Jeremy Romer, ODFW [active]
SEJ-Steve Jacobs, ODFW [active]
SFC-Brian Knoth, IDFG [active]
SGH-Steve Hayes, CPUD [active]
SHS-Scott Sebring, NMFS [active]
SJB-Carrie Crump, CTUIR [active]
SJR-Steve Rocklage, NPT [active]
SLH-Steve Hemstrom, CPUD [active]
SMF-Shannon Jewett, ODFW [active]
SMP-Brandon Chockley, FPC [active]
SPR-Steve Rubin, USGS [active]
SRB-Steve Bennett, ELR [active]
SRC-Eric Stark, IDFG [active]
SRP-Kate Deters, PNL [active]
SRS-Brett Kelly, IDFG [active]
SRV-Steven Smith, NMFS [active]
STA-Conor Giorgi, SPOKAN [active]
STM-Matt Polacek, WDFW [active]
STR-Casey Flanagan, SPOKAN [active]
TAF-Tom Flagg, NMFS [active]
TAH-Thomas Hoffman, USFWS [active]
TBH-Terry Holubetz, IDFG [active]
TCB-Ted Bjornn, ICFWRU [active]
TCR-Craig Robinson, USGS [active]
TDR-Dean Rhine, IDFG [active]
TEC-Ron Roberts, IDFG [active]
TER-Tom Ruehle, NMFS [active]
TGC-Tim Cochnauer, IDFG [active]
THK-Tom Kahler, DC1PUD [2009]
TJS-Jason Seals, ODFW [active]
TKN-Tom Nelson, ODFW [active]
TLL-Theresa Liedtke, USGS [active]
TLM-Alainah Hendrickx, WDFW [active]
TMS-Tim Shibahara, PGE [active]
TNA-John Jorgensen, YINN [2015]
TPT-Steven Smith, NMFS [active]
TPU-Scott Gibson, TPU [active]
TQI-Keith van den Broek, [2018]
TRC-Tom Nelson, ODFW [2016]
TRM-Thad Mosey, CPUD [active]
TRW-Tim Walters, ODFW [active]
TSC-Tom Curet, IDFG [active]
TST-Nicole Tancreto, PSMFC [active]
UCM-Keith van den Broek, OTHER [active]
UML-Aaron Jackson, CTUIR [active]
URD-Ryan Flaherty, CFS [active]
UWB-Ryan Flaherty, CFS [active]
UYB-Craig Haskell, USFWS [active]
WAC-Will Cameron, ODFW [active]
WDM-Steven Smith, NMFS [active]
WEB-Lisa Foster, TUWEBP [active]
WEN-Keith van den Broek, [2012]
WFD-Kyle Bratcher, ODFW [active]
WFR-Benjamin Warren, WDFW [active]
WFS-Ryan Koch, USFWS [active]
WGS-Matthew Sturza, WDFW [active]
WHW-Melody Feden, ODFW [active]
WJB-Daylen Isaac, YINN [active]
WPC-Tobyn Rhodes, USGS [active]
WRT-Charles Lee, WDFW [active]
WSC-Luke Whitman, ODFW [active]
WSF-Lyman Jim, CTWSR [active]
WSR-Michael Lovejoy, ODFW [active]
WVP-Mark Morasch, OTHER [active]
WWP-Ethan Crawford, WDFW [active]
WWS-Matthew Sturza, WDFW [active]
YFP-Joseph Snapp, SHOBAN [active]
YPP-Kyle Fend, MGS [active]
Select Release Location/Basin
Release Basin RKM:
No Selection - Basin RKM
Columbia River and Tributaries at or below Bonneville (Columbia Mainstem)
Columbia River and Tributaries at or below McNary (Columbia Mainstem)
Columbia River and Tributaries (above Snake confluence) (Columbia Upper)
Columbia River Hanford Reach (Columbia Upper)
Columbia River and Tributaries (PRD to WEL) (Columbia Upper)
Columbia River and Tributaries (above WEL) (Columbia Upper)
Snake Basin (All) (Snake)
Snake Basin (below LGR) (Snake)
Snake Basin (LGR and above) (Snake)
Antoine Creek - Okanogan Basin
Asotin Creek
Beaver Creek - Methow Basin
Big Creek - MF Salmon, Salmon Basin
Bridge Creek - John Day Basin
Catherine Creek - Grande Ronde Basin
Chewuch River - Methow Basin
Chiwaukum Creek - Wenatchee Basin
Chiwawa River - Wenatchee Basin
Chumstick Creek - Wenatchee Basin
Clearwater South Fork - Clearwater Basin
Deschutes River and Tributaries
Early Winters Creek - Methow Basin
Entiat Basin - All
Gold Creek - Methow Basin
Grande Ronde Basin - All
Hood River and Tributaries
Icicle Creek - Wenatchee Basin
Imnaha River and Tributaries
John Day Basin - All
John Day North Fork - John Day Basin
John Day South Fork - John Day Basin
Klickitat River and Tributaries
Lapwai Creek - Clearwater Basin
Lemhi River - Salmon Basin
Libby Creek - Methow Basin
Little White Salmon River and Tributaries
Lochsa River - Clearwater Basin
Lolo Creek - Clearwater Basin
Lost River - Methow Basin
Mad River - Entiat Basin
Methow Basin - All
Mission Creek - Wenatchee Basin
Nason Creek - Wenatchee Basin
Ninemile Creek - Okanogan Basin
Okanogan Basin - All
Omak Creek - Okanogan Basin
Pahsimeroi River - Salmon Basin
Peshastin River - Wenatchee Basin
Potlatch River - Clearwater Basin
Rock Creek
Salmon Creek - Okanogan Basin
Salmon River Middle Fork - Salmon Basin
Salmon River South Fork - Salmon Basin
Salmon River Upper - Salmon Basin
Selway River - Clearwater Basin
Similkameen River - Okanogan Basin
Teanaway River - Yakima Basin
Toppenish Creek - Yakima Basin
Tucannon River and Tributaries
Twisp River - Methow Basin
Umatilla River and Tributaries
Walla Walla River and Tributaries
Wenatchee Basin - All
White River/Little Wenatchee River/Lake Wenatchee - Wenatchee Basin
Willamette River and Tributaries
Wind River and Tributaries
Wolf Creek - Methow Basin
Yakima Basin - All
Yankee Fork River - Salmon Basin
Release Site:
No Selection - Release Site
15MILC-Fifteen Mile Creek, near The Dalles, Oregon (17070105) 309
1890SC-1890s Side Channel Methow River (17020008) 843.067
18MILC-Eighteenmile Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.092
21MILC-Twentyone Mile Creek - tributary to Sanpoil River (17020004) 981.065
30MILC-Thirtymile Creek - tributary to Sanpoil River (17020004) 981.045
30ML2C-Thirtymile Creek - tributary to John Day River (17070204) 351.134
3LINKC-Three Links Creek (17060302) 522.
3MIL2C-Threemile Creek, The Dalles (17070105) 307
3MILC-Threemile Creek - Upper Columbia (17020001) 1025
3MILIS-Three Mile Canyon Island (Col. R. below Blalock Island) (17070101) 412
4JUL2C-Fourth Of July Creek - tributary to Salmon River (17060203) 522.303.385
4JULYC-Fourth of July Creek (17060201) 522.303.630
9MILEC-Ninemile Creek (tributary to Okanogan River) (17020006) 858.134
ABEH-Abernathy SCTC (17080003) 087.005
ABERC-Abernathy Creek, Lower Columbia River, Washington (17080003) 087
AENEAC-Aeneas Creek - tributary to Okanogan River (17020006) 858.086
AGNCYC-Agency Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.039
AHSH-Astoria High School Hatchery (17080006) *
AHTANC-Ahtanum Creek, Yakima River (17030003) 539.172
AHTANF-North Fork Ahtanum Creek - Tributary to Ahtanum Creek (17030003) 539.172.037
AHTASF-South Fork Ahtanum Creek, tributary to Ahtanum Creek (17030003) 539.172.037
ALEXC-Alex Creek, Secesh River (17060208) 522.303.215.059.033
ALMOTC-Almota Creek - tributary to Snake River (17060107) 522.164
ALPOWC-Alpowa Creek, lower Snake River (17060107) 522.205
ALTULC-Alturas Lake Creek (17060201) 522.303.633
ALTURL-Alturas Lake (17060201) 522.303.633.011
AMERIR-American River- Naches Subbasin (17030002) 539.187.072.006
AMERR-American River (17060305) 522.224.120.101
ANTELC-Antelope Creek - tributary to Trout Creek (TROU2C) in the Deschutes River basin (17070307) 328.140.021
ANTOIC-Antoine Creek (tributary to Okanogan River) (17020006) 858.099
APROOK-Appleyard Rookery (17020010) 746
ASMEBR-Astoria-Megler Bridge (17080006) 012
ASOTIC-Asotin Creek, Snake River above Clarkston, WA (17060103) 522.234
ASOTNF-North Fork Asotin Creek (17060103) 522.234.024
ASOTSF-South Fork Asotin Creek (17060103) 522.234.024
BAD-Barrier Dam (17080005) 111.080
BADGEI-Badger Island, Columbia River (17070101) 512
BAKEOC-Bakeoven Creek, Deschutes River Basin (17070306) 328.083
BANKSL-Banks Lake, Grant County, Washington (17020014) ___
BARGAC-Bargamin Creek (17060207) 522.303.255
BARNAC-Barnaby Creek - tributary to Columbia River (17020001) 1101
BASINC-Basin Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.049.006
BASN2C-Basin Creek, upper Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.089.012
BASN3C-Basin Creek, Salmon River Basin (17060201) 522.303.604
BATTLC-Battle Creek, tributary to Desolation Creek (17070202) 351.298.097.027
BBCTRP-Big Bear Creek Rotary Screw Trap (17060306) 522.
BBOUC-Big Boulder Creek, Middle Fork John Day River (17070203) 351.298.052.084
BCANF-Big Canyon Facility (17060105) 522.
BCCAP-Big Canyon Creek Acclimation Facility (Clearwater River) (17060306) 522.224.057
BCHINL-Lake Billy Chinook (17070301) 328.177
BCKHRC-Buckhorn Creek, SF Salmon River (17060208) 522.303.215.072
BCKROC-Buckaroo Creek, Umatilla River (17070103) 465.117
BCL-Big Cliff Dam - North Santiam River (17090005)
BCLFBY-BCL - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17090005)
BCLTAL-BCL - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17090005)
BEAR2C-Bear Creek, John Day River Basin (17070204) 351.218.009
BEAR3C-Bear Creek, Columbia River Estuary, Oregon (17080006) 033
BEAR4C-Bear Creek, SF Salmon River (17060208) 522.303.215.120
BEAR5C-Bear Creek, Middle Fork John Day River (17070203) 351.298.052.070
BEAR6C-Bear Creek, tributary to Wallowa River (17060105) 522.271.131.036
BEAR7C-Bear Creek, tributary to Meadow Creek (17060104) 522.271.290.016
BEARC-Bear Creek (17060301) 522.
BEARVC-Bear Valley Creek (17060205) 522.303.319.170
BEAV2C-Beaver Creek, Methow River (17020008) 843.057
BEAV3C-Beaver Creek, Wenatchee River Basin (17020011) 754.075
BEAV3P-Beaver Creek Acclimation Pond, Wenatchee River Basin (17020011) 754.075.001
BEAV4C-Beaver Creek, Big Creek watershed, MF Salmon River (17060206) 522.303.319.029.049
BEAV5C-Beaver Creek, Middle Fork John Day River (17070203) 351.298.052.088
BEAV6C-Beaver Creek, tributary to upper Grande Ronde River (17060104) 522.271.287
BEAVC-Beaver Creek, tributary to Marsh Creek (17060205) 522.303.319.170.009
BEAVEC-Beaver Creek (17060201) 522.303.642
BEDRKC-Bedrock Creek (17060306) 522.224.042
BEECEF-East Fork Beech Creek, upper John Day River (17070201) 351.378.018
BEECHC-Beech Creek - tributary to John Day River (17070201) 351.378
BENTNC-Benton Creek, tributary to Priest River (17010215) 1195.152.033
BERRYC-Berry Creek - Clackamas Subbasin (17090011)
BGM-Burlingame Diversion Dam, Walla Walla River (17070102) 509.059
BGMTAL-BGM - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17070102) 509.059
BIDDLP-Biddle Acclimation Pond on Wolf Creek, Methow River Basin (17020008) 843.085.002
BIG1C-Big Creek, lower Columbia River near Knappa, OR (17080006) 043
BIG2C-Big Creek, Middle Fork Salmon River (17060206) 522.303.319.029
BIG2CT-Big Creek Rotary Screw Trap (17060206) 522.303.319.029.011
BIG3C-Big Creek, Tributary to Yakima River (17030001) 539.315
BIG8MC-Big Eightmile Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.073
BIGB2C-Big Bear Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.092.019
BIGBEC-Big Bear Creek, Potlatch River (17060306) 522.224.024.023
BIGC-Big Creek Hatchery (ODFW) near Knappa (17080006) 043.006
BIGCAC-Big Canyon Creek (17060306) 522.224.057
BIGFLC-Big Flat Creek (17060303) 522.
BIGMAC-Big Mallard Creek (17060207) 522.303.247
BIGMEC-Big Meadow Creek, Wenatchee River Basin (17020011) 754.077.014
BIGSPC-Big Springs Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.077
BIGWSP-Big White Salmon Ponds (17070105) 271.002
BIRCHC-Birch Creek, Umatilla River (17070103) 465.077
BIRCHE-East Fork Birch Creek, Umatilla River (17070103) 465.077.026
BIRCHW-West Fork Birch Creek, Umatilla River (17070103) 465.077.026
BLDRCK-Boulder Creek, tributary to Kettle River (17020002) 1131.027
BLDRNF-North Fork Boulder Creek (17020002) 1031.027.004
BLDRSF-South Fork Boulder Creek (17020002) 1031.027.004
BLKBAS-Blackberry Acc. Site, WF Hood River (17070105) 273.020.014
BLNDSL-Blind Slough Net Pens (Oregon side of Columbia River Estuary) (17080006) 047
BLUE2C-Blue Creek, tributary to Spokane River (17010307) 1020.023
BLUEC-Blue Creek, Klickitat River Basin (17070106)
BLUEW-Blue Creek Weir (17010307) 1020.023.001
BO1-Bonneville Dam PH1 (Archaic - replaced with generic BON designation) (17080001) *
BO1BYP-BON - Release into PH1 Juvenile Facility Bypass Flume/Pipe (17080001) 234
BO1GWL-BON - Release into PH1 Gatewell(s) (17080001) 234
BO2-Bonneville Dam PH2 (Archaic - replaced with generic BON designation) (17080001) *
BO2BCC-BON - Release into the PH2 Bypass Corner Collector (17080001) 234
BO2BYP-BON - Release into the PH2 Juvenile Facility Bypass Flume/Pipe (17080001) 234
BO2GAT-BON - Release into the PH2 Juvenile Facility Flume between the Separator Exit and the Primary PIT-Tag Diversion Gate (17080001) 234
BO2GWL-BON - Release into PH2 Gatewell(s) (17080001) 234
BO2ORI-BON - Release into PH2 Orifice(s) (17080001) 234
BO2RRR-BON - Release below the PH2 Juvenile Facility PIT-Tag Diversion System Gate with subsequent Return to the River (17080001) 234
BOBSC-Bobs Creek, Potlatch River watershed (17060306) 522.
BOHANC-Bohannon Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.017
BOHEFC-East Fork Bohannon Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.017.007
BON-Bonneville Dam Complex (17080001) 234
BONAFF-BON - Adult Fish Facility (17080001) 234
BONAPC-Bonaparte Creek, Okanogan River Basin (17020006) 858.092
BONH-Bonneville Hatchery (17080001) 232.001
BONLD1-BON - Release into the Bradford Island Adult Fish Ladder (17080001) 234
BONLD2-BON - Release into the Cascades Island Adult Fish Ladder (17080001) 234
BONLD3-BON - Release into the Washington Shore Adult Fish Ladder (17080001) 234
BONMRT-BON - Mortality Recovery (17080001) 234
BONP-Bonifer Springs Acclimation Pond (17070103) 465.127.003
BONZAC-Bonanza Creek, tributary to Slocan River (17010110) 1240.016.046
BONZBR-Bonanaza Creek Bridge (17010110) 1240.016.046.001
BOSTCC-Boston Canyon Creek, Umatilla River (17070103) 465.127.003
BOUL2C-Boulder Creek, Little Salmon River watershed (17060210) 522.303.140.029
BOUL3C-Boulder Creek, Potlatch River watershed (17060306) 522.224.024.041
BOULDC-Boulder Creek (17060303) 522.
BOUNDC-Boundary Creek (17060205) 522.303.319.154
BOUTRP-Boulder Creek Trap (17060303) 522.
BOWMNC-Bowman Creek, tributary to Little Klickitat River (17070106) 290.033.002
BOXCNC-Box Canyon Creek, Upper Yakima Basin (17030001) 539.330.014
BRAMYC-Big Ramey Creek, Big Creek watershed, MF Salmon River (17060206) 522.303.319.029.042
BRDG2C-Bridge Creek, Middle Fork John Day River (17070203) 351.298.052.106
BRDG3C-Bridge Creek - tributary to Sanpoil River (17020004) 981.040
BREITR-Breitenbush River, North Santiam River Basin (17090005)
BRENNC-Brennegan Creek, tributary to Entiat River (17020010) 778.040
BRIDGC-Bridge Creek, John Day River Basin (17070204) 351.218
BRIDWB-West Branch Bridge Creek, John Day River Basin (17070204) 351.218.020
BRUS2C-Brush Creek, Klickitat River Basin (17070106) 290.063.008
BRUSHC-Brushy Fork Creek (17060303) 522.
BSHEEC-Big Sheep Creek (17060102) 522.308.032
BSHPCK-Big Sheep Creek, tributary to Columbia River (17020001) 1180
BSPBL-Bridgeport State Park Boat Launch (17020005) 872
BTIMBC-Big Timber Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.089
BUCK2C-Buck Creek, Big Creek watershed, MF Salmon River (17060206) 522.303.319.029.026
BUCK3C-Buck Creek, White Salmon River Basin (WA) (17070105) 271.008
BUCK4C-Buck Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.049.014.010
BUCKAP-Buckskin Slough Acclimation Site (17030002) 539.187.005.005
BUCKC-Buck Creek, Umatilla River (17070103) 465.145.002
BUCKHC-Buckhollow Creek, Deschutes River Basin (17070306) 328.069
BUCKSL-Buckskin Slough, tributary to Naches RIver (17030002) 539.187.005
BUD-Bumping Dam (17030002) 539.187.072.026
BUDFBY-BUD - Release into the forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17030002) 539.187.072.026
BUDTAL-BUD - Release into the tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17030002) 539.187.072.026
BULLC-Bull Creek, no outlet, Lemhi Subbasin (17060204) ***
BUMPR-Bumping River- Naches Subbasin (17030002) 539.187.072
BURBSL-Burbank Slough near Burbank, WA (17070101) ___
BURNLC-Burnt Log Creek (17060208) 522.303.
BUTC-Butte Creek, tributary to Wenaha River (17060106) 522.271.073.023
BUTCHC-Butcher Creek, Umatilla River (17070103) 465.127.034
BUTCHP-Butcher Creek Acclimation Pond, Wenatchee River Basin (17020011) 754.089.013
BUTTEC-Butte Creek, Middle Fork John Day River (17070203) 351.298.052.091
BVAL2C-Bear Valley Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.049.014
BVRLYI-Beverly Islands, Columbia River below Wanapum Dam (17020016) 666
CABINC-Cabin Creek, Big Creek watershed, MF Salmon River (17060206) 522.303.319.029.019
CABLNF-North Fork Cable Creek, North Fork John Day River basin (17070202) 351.
CABN2C-Cabin Creek, tributary to Little Sheep Creek, Imnaha subbasin (17060102) 522.308.032.005.044
CABN3C-Cabin Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.089.027
CALAPR-Calapooia River (17090003) 163.192
CAMASC-Camas Creek, Middle Fork Salmon River (17060206) 522.303.319.057
CAMP2C-Camp Creek, Middle Fork John Day River (17070203) 351.298.052.076
CAMP3C-Camp Creek, SF Salmon River (17060208) 522.303.215.076
CAMP4C-Camp Creek, tributary to Big Sheep Creek, Imnaha drainage (17060102) 522.308.032.002
CAMPC-Camp Creek, Umatilla River (17070103) 465.127.018
CAMPSL-Campbell Slough, Lower Columbia (17080003) 148
CANALC-Canal Creek, tributary to Little Sheep Creek, Imnaha drainage (17060102) 522.308.032.005.039
CANDLC-Candle Creek, tributary to the Metolius River (17070301) 328.177.044
CANY2C-Canyon Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.090
CANY3C-Canyon Creek, tributary to the Metolius River (17070301) 328.177.055
CANY4C-Canyon Creek - tributary to John Day River (17070201) 351.392
CANYOC-Canyon Creek (17060303) 522.
CAPEHC-Capehorn Creek (17060205) 522.303.319.170.010
CARMEC-Carmen Creek - tributary to Salmon River (17060203) 522.303.408
CARP-Carlton Acclimation Pond (17020008) 843.058
CARS-Carson National Fish Hatchery (17070105) 251.028
CASC-Cascade Hatchery (ODFW) near Cascade Locks (17070105) *
CASS-Cassimer Bar Hatchery (17020006) *
CATCMF-Middle Fork Catherine Creek (17060104) 522.
CATCNF-North Fork Catherine Creek (17060104) 522.271.232.052
CATCSF-South Fork Catherine Creek (17060104) 522.271.232.052
CATHEC-Catherine Creek (17060104) 522.271.232
CATHEP-Catherine Creek Pond (17060104) 522.271.232.048
CATHEW-Catherine Creek Weir (17060104) 522.271.232.032
CAVEC-Cave Creek, Big Creek watershed, MF Salmon River (17060206) 522.303.319.029.022
CBD-Clear Branch Dam (17070105)
CBDFBY-CBD - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17070105)
CBLAIS-Central Blalock Island, Columbia River near Boardman, OR (17070101) 440
CCD-Clear Creek Dam (17030002) 539.
CCDFBY-CCD - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17030002) 539.
CCDTAL-CCD - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17030002) 539.
CCROOK-Catherine Creek Rookery (17060104) 522.271.232.012
CEDA2C-Cedar Creek, Potlatch River watershed (17060306) 522.224.024.033
CEDARC-Cedar Creek, tributary to Lewis River (17080002) 140.025
CEFLAF-Cedar Flats Acclimation Facility, Selway River (17060302) 522.
CFCT-Chelan Falls Canal Trap (17020009) 810.001
CFCTRP-Crooked Fork Creek Trap (17060303) 522.
CFD-Cowlitz Falls Dam (17080005) 111.133
CFDNSC-CFD - Release into North Shore Collector Flume (17080005) 111.133
CFDSF2-CFD - Release directly into spillway flume 2 (17080005) 111.133
CFDSF3-CFD - Release directly into spillway flume 3 (17080005) 111.133
CFDTAL-CFD - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17080005) 111.133
CGR-Cougar Dam (17090004)
CGRREG-CGR - Release into the Regulating Channel of the Tailrace within 0.5 km of Dam (17090004)
CGRTAL-CGR - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17090004)
CGRTUR-CGR - Release into the Turbine Channel of the Tailrace within 0.5 km of Dam (17090004)
CHALLC-Challis Creek - tributary to Salmon River (17060201) 522.303.510
CHAMBC-Chamberlain Creek (17060207) 522.303.282
CHAMPC-Champion Creek (17060201) 522.303.631
CHAMWF-West Fork Chamberlain Creek (17060207) 522.303.282.024
CHANDL-Chandler Canal (Prosser Dam) - headgate to diversion screen (km 000-002) (17030003) 539.076
CHARLC-Charley Creek, Asotin Creek watershed (17060103) 522.234.022
CHEL-Chelan PUD Hatchery (17020005) *
CHELAR-Chelan River (17020009) 810
CHENC-Chenoweth Creek, The Dalles (17070105) 300
CHERBT-Chewuch River Bridge Rotary Screw Trap (17020008) 843.080.001
CHEWEC-Chewelah Creek, tributary to Colville River (17020003) 1121.073
CHEWUP-Chewuch Acclimation Pond (WDFW) (17020008) 843.080.010
CHEWUR-Chewuch River (17020008) 843.080
CHFARF-Chelan Falls Rearing Facillity (17020009) 810.001
CHIKAC-Chikamin Creek, tributary to Chiwawa River (17020011) 754.077.023
CHINOR-Chinook River, Washington (Columbia River Estuary) (17080006) 006
CHIP-Chiwawa Rearing Pond (17020011) 754.077.002
CHIW-Chiwawa Weir (17020011) 754.077.002
CHIWAC-Chiwaukum Creek, tributary to Wenatchee River (17020011) 754.057
CHIWAR-Chiwawa River (17020011) 754.077
CHIWAT-Chiwawa River Trap, 0.5 km below CHIP acclimation pond (17020011) 754.077.002
CHJO-Chief Joseph Hatchery (17020005) 868
CHUMSC-Chumstick Creek, Wenatchee Basin (17020011) 754.037
CISPUR-Cispus River - tributary to Cowlitz River (17080004) 111.135
CJD-Chief Joseph Dam (17020005) 869
CJDFBY-CJD - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17020005) 869
CJRAP-Captain John Rapids Acclimation Pond (17060103) 522.263
CLARFP-Clark Flat Acclimation Pond (17030001) 539.270
CLCKMS-Clackamas River (17090011) 163.040
CLE-Cle Elum Dam (17030001) 539.299.013
CLEA2C-Clear Creek, Middle Fork John Day River Basin (17070203) 351.298.052.106
CLEA3C-Clear Creek - tributary to Muddy River (17080002) 140.087.007
CLEA4C-Clear Creek, tributary to Granite Creek NF, John Day basin (17070202) 351.298.141.013
CLEARC-Clear Creek (17060304) 522.224.120.004
CLEARP-Clear Creek Acclimation Pond (17080002)
CLEBYP-CLE - Release into the Facility Bypass Flume/Pipe (17030001) 539.299.013
CLEE-Cle Elum Hatchery (17030001) 539.293
CLEFBY-CLE - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17030001) 539.299.013
CLELMD-Cle Elum Dam (Archaic - replaced with CLE) (17030001) 539.299.013
CLELMR-Cle Elum River (17030001) 539.299
CLETAL-CLE - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17030001) 539.299.013
CLRBIS-Clear Lake Reservoir Bird Island (18010204) ___
CLRBR-Clear Branch, Middle Fork Hood River Watershed (17070105) 273.023.015
CLWH-Clearwater Hatchery (17060308) *
CLWHNF-Clearwater Hatchery release into North Fork Clearwater River (17060308) 522.224.065.000
CLWLEN-Clearwater River - Lenore Boat Launch (17060306) 522.224.046
CLWR-Clearwater River (17060306) 522.224
CLWRMF-Middle Fork Clearwater River (17060304) 522.224.120
CLWRNF-North Fork Clearwater River (17060308) 522.224.065
CLWRSF-South Fork Clearwater River (17060305) 522.224.120
CLWTRP-Clearwater Trap (17060306) 522.224.010
CLWZAN-Clearwater River - Zans Boat Launch (17060306) 522.224.079
COLR1-Columbia River - mouth to Three Tree Point, WA (km 0-49) (17080006) 000
COLR10-Columbia River - East Arrow Park to Revelstoke (km 1359 - 1476) (17020021) 000
COLR2-Columbia River - Three Tree Point, WA to Lewis River (km 49-140) (17080003) 000
COLR3-Columbia River - Lewis River to Bonneville Dam (km 140-234) (17080001) 000
COLR4-Columbia River - Bonneville Dam to John Day Dam (km 234-347) (17070105) 000
COLR5-Columbia River - John Day Dam to Snake River (km 347-522) (17070101) 000
COLR6-Columbia River - Snake River to Lower Crab Creek (km 522-661) (17020016) 000
COLR7-Columbia River - Lower Crab Creek to Chelan Falls, WA (km 661-809) (17020010) 000
COLR8-Columbia River - Chelan Falls, WA to Grand Coulee Dam (km 809-960) (17020005) 000
COLR9-Columbia River - Grand Coulee Dam to East Arrow Park, CAN (km 960-1359) (17020001) 000
COLTC-Colt Creek (17060303) 522.
COLTKC-Colt Kill Creek - Replaces WHITSC (17060303) 522.
COLVLE-Colville River, tributary to Columbia River (17020003) 1121
COONSC-Coonskin Creek, Umatilla River (17070103) 465.109
COOPR-Cooper River, tributary to Cle Elum River (17030001) 539.299.030
COPPEC-Coppei Creek - tributary to Touchet River (17070102) 509.035.082
CORRAC-Corral Creek, Potlatch River watershed (17060306) 522.224.024.052
COTN2C-Cottonwood Creek, North Fork John Day River (17070202) 351.298.025
COTNWC-Cottonwood Creek (17060306) 522.224.031
COTP-Cottonwood Acclimation Pond (17060106) 522.271.046
COTTWC-Cottonwood Creek, Umatilla River (17070103) 465.105
COUG2C-Cougar Creek, Potlatch River watershed (17060306) 522.
COUGRC-Cougar Creek, Grande Ronde Basin (17060106) 522.271.049
COULTC-Coulter Creek, Wenatchee River Basin (17020011) 754.089.014
COULTP-Coulter Creek Acclimation Pond, Wenatchee River Basin (17020011) 754.089.014.001
COUSEC-Couse Creek, tributary to Snake River (17060110) 522.250
COW2C-Cow Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.039.008
COWCR-Cow Creek, Imnaha River Basin (17060102) 522.308.006
COWEAP-Coweeman Acclimation Pond (17080005) 111.002.021
COWEER-Coweeman River, tributary to Cowlitz River (17080005) 111.002
COWICC-Cowiche Creek- Naches Subbasin (17030002) 539.187.004
COWISF-South Fork Cowiche Creek - Tributary to Cowiche Creek (17030002) 539.187.004.012
COWLR1-Cowlitz River - mouth to Cispus River (km 0-135) (17080005) 111
COWLR2-Cowlitz River - Cispus River to Clear Fork (km 135-202) (17080004) 111
COWS-Cowlitz Salmon Hatchery (17080005) 111.080
COWT-Cowlitz Trout Hatchery (17080005) 111.071
COYBL-Coyote Creek Boat Launch (17020005) 925
COYO2C-Coyote Creek, tributary to Middle Fork John Day River (17070203) 351.298.052.081
COYOTC-Coyote Creek, Umatilla River (17070103) 465.145.005
CRABP-Crab Creek Acclimation Pond (17080002) 140.104
CRAZYC-Crazyman Creek - tributary to Imnaha River (17060102) 522.308.080
CRESCB-Crescent Bar Road Bridge (17020010) 711
CRESIS-Crescent Island, Columbia River (17070101) 510
CRFH-Colville Tribes Resident Fish Hatchery (17020005) 863
CROO2C-Crooked Creek, Big Creek watershed, MF Salmon River (17060206) 522.303.319.029.038
CROOC-Crooked Creek (17060201) 522.303.200
CROOK1-Crooked River - Lake Billy Chinook to Prineville Reservoir (km 0-113) (17070305) 328.177
CROOKC-Crooked Fork Creek (17060303) 522.
CROOKP-Crooked River Pond (17060305) 522.
CROOKR-Crooked River (17060305) 522.224.120.094
CROP-Crooked River Pond (Archaic - use CROOKP) (17060305) 522.
CROTRP-Crooked River Trap (17060305) 522.
CROW-Crooked River weir (17060305) 522.
CROWC-Crow Creek - Tributary to Little Naches River (17030002) 539.187.072.005
CRUIKS-Cruikshank Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.090.014
CTWD3C-Cottonwood Creek, Grande Ronde River Basin (17060106) 522.271.045
CUBC-Cub Creek - Clackamas Subbasin (17090011) 163.040.120
CUNNSL-Cunningham Slough (17090012) 139.000
CURP-Curl Lake Rearing Pond (17060107) 522.100.066
DAGGEC-Dagger Creek (17060205) 522.303.319.155
DARKCC-Dark Canyon Creek, Upper Grande Ronde (17060104) 522.271.290.001
DAVISC-Davis Creek - Middle Fork John Day River (17070203) 351.298.052.104
DAYP-Dayton Acclimation Pond (17070102) 509.035.087
DCOWG-Dead Cow Gulch, Middle Fork John Day River (17070203) 351.298.052.102
DEAD2C-Deadman Creek - tributary to Snake River (17060107) 522.131
DEAD3C-Deadman Creek - Upper Columbia Basin (17020002) 1131.005
DEADMC-Deadman Creek (17060303) 522.
DEADNF-North Fork Deadman Creek - Upper Columbia Basin (17020002) 1031.005.011
DECKEC-Decker Creek (17060201) 522.303.624.001
DEEP2C-Deep Creek, tributary to Bumping River (17030002) 539.187.072.029
DEEPCK-Deep Creek, tributary to Columbia River (17020001) 1181
DEEPR-Deep River, tributary to Columbia River (17080006) 035
DEERC-Deer Creek, upper Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.092.022
DESCH1-Deschutes River - mouth to Round Butte Dam (0-177 km) (17070306) 328
DESCH2-Deschutes River - Round Butte Dam to headwaters (177-393 km) (17070301) 328
DESNFC-North Fork Desolation Creek (17070202) 351.298.097.034
DESOC-Desolation Creek, tributary to North Fork John Day River (17070202) 351.298.097
DET-Detroit Dam (USACE), North Santiam River (17090005)
DETFBY-DET - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17090005)
DETTAL-DET - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5km downstream of Dam (17090005)
DEX-Dexter Dam (USACE), Middle Fork Willamette River (17090001) 163.301.027
DEXTAL-DEX - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5km downstream of Dam (17090001) 163.301.027
DHORNC-Deerhorn Creek, tributary to Middle Fork John Day River (17070203) 351.298.052.098
DILACC-Dillacort Creek, Klickitat River (17070106) 290.009
DOGRVR-Dog River, tributary to EF Hood River (OR) (17070105) 273.023.016
DRANOL-Drano Lake (17070105) 261
DRIFTC-Drift Creek - tributary to Lewis River (17080002) 140.079
DRNP-Deep River Net Pens (Deep River, Washington) (17080006) 035.002
DRY-Dryden Diversion Dam, Wenatchee River (17020011) 754.028
DRY2C-Dry Creek - tributary to Imnaha River (17060102) 522.308.090
DRY3C-Dry Creek, tributary to Satus Creek (17030003) 539.112.031
DRYC-Dry Creek, tributary to Fifteenmile Creek (17070105) 309.038
DRYFBY-DRY - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17020011) 754.028
DRYFCC-Dry Fork Clear Creek, Middle Fork John Day River Basin (17070203) 351.
DRYP-Dryden Acclimation Pond (17020011) 754.026
DRYTAL-DRY - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17020011) 754.028
DUNCAN-Duncan Creek, South Fork John Day River Basin (17070201) 351.341.027.010
DWOR-Dworshak National Fish Hatchery (17060306) *
DWORMS-Dworshak NFH, release into mainstem Clearwater River (17060306) 522.224.065
DWORNF-Dworshak NFH, release into North Fork Clearwater River (17060308) 522.224.065.000
EAG2NF-North Fork Eagle Creek, Clackamas River Basin (17090011)
EAGH-Eagle Creek National Fish Hatchery, Clackamas River Basin (17090011)
EAGL-Eagle Hatchery (17050114) *
EAGL2C-Eagle Creek, Clackamas River Basin (17090011) 163.040.026
EAGL3C-Eagle Creek, tributary to Lookingglass Creek (17060104) 522.271.137.013
EAGLEC-Eagle Creek (17060301) 522.
EARLWC-Early Winters Creek, Methow River Basin (17020008) 843.113
EARLWP-Early Winters Acclimation Pond (17020008) 843.113.001
EASTOP-Easton Acclimation Pond (17030001) 539.325
EASTR-East River, tributary to Priest River (17010215) 1195.152.034
EBNK-East Bank Hatchery (17020010) *
EDEERC-East Deer Creek, tributary to Kettle River (17020002) 1131.029
EFHORC-East Fork Horse Creek, McKenzie River Basin (17090004) 163.282.101
EFPTRP-East Fork Potlatch River Rotary Screw Trap (17060306) 522.
EFPW-East Fork Potlatch River weir (17060306) 522.
EIGH2C-Eightmile Creek, Fifteenmile Creek Watershed (17070105) 309.004
EIGH3C-Eightmile Creek, tributary to Yankee Fork (17060201) 522.303.591.026
EIGHTC-Eightmile Creek, Chewuch River (17020008) 843.080.018
EIGHTP-Eightmile Acclimation Pond (17020008) 843.080.017
ELDORC-Eldorado Creek (17060306) 522.224.087.041
ELK2C-Elk Creek, SF Salmon River (17060208) 522.303.215.034
ELK3C-Elk Creek, trib. to Valley Creek, Salmon River (17060201) 522.303.609.017
ELKC-Elk Creek (17060205) 522.303.319.170.014
ELRH-Elochoman River Hatchery (Elochoman River, Washington) (17080003) 058.019
ENTH-Entiat NFH (17020010) 778.011
ENTIAR-Entiat River (17020010) 778
ENTRTP-Entiat River Rotary Screw Trap (17020010) 778.002
ENTUST-Entiat River upper Rotary Screw Trap (17020010) 778.011
EQUESC-Equesis Creek, flows into Okanagan Lake, Canada (17020006) 858.301
ESANIS-East Sand Island, Columbia River (17080006) 008
ETIENC-Etienne (formerly Negro) Creek, tributary to Peshastin Creek (17020011) 754.029.017
EWWTP-Elgin Waste Water Treatment Plant (17060104) 522.271.158
FAL-Fall Creek Dam (USACE), MF Willamette River (17090001) 163.301.013
FALL2C-Fall Creek, MF Willamette River Basin (17090001) 163.301.017
FALLC-Fall Creek (17060205) 522.303.319.163
FALTAL-FAL - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17090001) 163.301.013
FDD-Feed Diversion Dam, Umatilla River (17070103) 465.045
FDDFBY-FDD - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17070103) 465.045
FDDTAL-FDD - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17070103) 465.045
FEATHC-Feather Creek, Potlatch River watershed (17060306) 522.
FEEDCN-Feed Diversion Canal - headgate to diversion screen (km 000-001) (17070103) 465.047
FIRSTC-First Creek - Tributary to Swauk Creek (17030001) 539.274.013
FISHC-Fish Creek (17060303) 522.
FISHEC-Fisher Creek (17060201) 522.303.628
FISTRP-Fish Creek Trap (17060303) 522.
FITSUC-Fitsum Creek, SF Salmon River Basin (17060208) 522.303.215.062
FIVE2C-Fivemile Creek, Fifteen Mile Creek Watershed (17070105) 309.004.002
FIVEMC-Five Mile Creek (17060305) 522.
FIVEPC-Five Points Creek, tributary to upper Grande Ronde River (17060104) 522.271.267
FLATC-Flat Creek, Secesh River Basin (17060208) 522.303.
FLOSSC-Flossie Creek (17060207) 522.303.282.027
FLUMEC-Flume Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.039.014
FLYC-Fly Creek, tributary to upper Grande Ronde River (17060104) 522.271.297
FOGDEW-Foggy Dew Creek, Methow River watershed (17020008) 843.035.009
FORDH-Ford Hatchery (17010307) 1020.057
FOS-Foster Dam, South Santiam River (17090006)
FOSFBY-FOS - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17090006)
FOSTAL-FOS - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17090006)
FOSTC-Foster Creek - tributary to Columbia River (17020005) 868
FOUNDI-Foundation Island, Columbia River (17070101) 518
FOXC-Fox Creek, North Fork John Day River (17070202) 351.298.025.036
FREEZC-Freezeout Creek - tributary to Imnaha River (17060102) 522.308.059
FRENCC-Frenchman Creek (17060201) 522.303.647
FRENCH-French Creek (17060209) 522.303.169
FRFH-Fall River Fish Hatchery (17070301) 328.324.011
GABLEC-Gable Creek, John Day River Basin (17070204) 351.218.022
GATEC-Gate Creek, Tributary to Chiwawa River (17020011) 754.077.020
GCD-Grand Coulee Dam (17020005) 951
GCDFBY-GCD - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17020005) 951
GEDCWF-West Fork Gedney Creek (17060302) 522.
GEDNEC-Gedney Creek (17060302) 522.
GEECR-Gee Creek, Washington, lower Columbia River (17080003) 140
GEORGC-George Creek, Asotin Creek watershed (17060103) 522.234.005
GERMC-Germany Creek, Lower Columbia River, Washington (17080003) 090
GOATC-Goat Creek, SF Salmon River (17060208) 522.303.215.099
GOATWP-Goat Wall Acclimation Pond (17020008) 843.116
GOLD2C-Gold Creek, Methow River (17020008) 843.035
GOLD3C-Gold Creek - tributary to West Fork Sanpoil River (17020004) 981.076.005
GOLD4C-Gold Creek, tributary to Colville River (17020003) 1121.019
GOLD5C-Gold Creek, Upper Yakima Basin (17030001) 539.356
GOLDC-Gold Creek (17060201) 522.303.621
GOOS2I-Goose Island, Columbia River above Priest Rapids Dam (17020016) 641
GOOSEI-Goose Island, lower Snake River (17060110) 522.014
GPD-Green Peter Dam (17090006)
GPDTAL-GPD - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17090006)
GRAN2C-Granite Creek, tributary to North Fork John Day River (17070202) 351.298.141
GRANC-Granite Creek tributary to Sanpoil River (17020004) 981.102
GRAND1-Grande Ronde River - mouth to Wallowa River (km 0-131) (17060106) 522.271
GRAND2-Grande Ronde River - Wallowa River to headwaters (km 131-325) (17060104) 522.271
GRANDP-Grande Ronde River Pond (17060104) 522.271.320
GRANDW-Grande Ronde River Weir (17060104) 522.271.291
GRANWF-West Fork Granite Creek, Sanpoil Basin (17020004) 981.102.012
GRAYSR-Grays River, Washington, lower Columbia River (17080006) 032
GRBLDC-Granite Boulder Creek, Middle Fork John Day River (17070203) 351.298.052.090
GREENR-Green River, trib. to NF Toutle River (17080005)
GREEPC-Green Point Creek (tributary to West Fork Hood River) (17070105) 273.020.002
GRNTRP-Grande Ronde River Trap (17060106) 522.271.002
GROS2C-Grouse Creek, tributary to Imnaha River (17060102) 522.308.066
GROUSC-Grouse Creek, Secesh River Basin (17060208) 522.303.215.059.039
GUMBTC-Gumboot Creek, Imnaha River Basin (17060102) 522.308.086
HADENC-Haden Creek - tributary to Lost Creek (17020004) 981.076.022.019
HADESF-South Fork Haden Creek (17020004) 981.
HAGE-Hagerman NFH (17040212) *
HALLC-Hall Creek - tributary to Columbia River (17020001) 1086
HANGC-Hangman Creek - tributary to Spokane River (17010306) 1020.121
HANIS-Islands in the Hanford Reach of the Middle Columbia River (17020016) 594
HANSPC-Hancock Springs Creek, tributary to Methow River (17020008) 843.097
HANTWN-Hanford town site boat ramp (17020016) 576
HANWTB-Hanford White Bluffs boat ramp (17020016) 587
HARDC-Hard Creek (17060210) 522.303.140.031.002
HATRCK-Hat Rock State Park (Oregon) (17070101) 480
HAWLYC-Hawley Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.092.004
HAYDEF-East Fork Hayden Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.049.015
HAYDNC-Hayden Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.049
HAYNSC-Haynes Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.026
HAZARC-Hazard Creek (17060210) 522.303.140.031
HCD-Hells Canyon Dam (17060101) 522.397
HCDTAL-HCD - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17060101) 522.397
HCR-Hills Creek Dam, Middle Fork Willamette River (17090001) 163.301.073
HCRFBY-HCR - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17090001) 163.301.073
HCRREG-HCR - Release into the Regulating Channel of the Tailrace within 0.5 km of Dam (17090001) 163.301.073
HCRTAL-HCR - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17090001) 163.301.073
HCRTUR-HCR - Release into the Turbine Channel of the Tailrace within 0.5 km of Dam (17090001) 163.301.073
HELLRC-Hell Roaring Creek (17060201) 522.303.631
HERDC-Herd Creek (17060201) 522.303.552.014
HERMAC-Herman Creek, Columbia River Gorge (OR) (17070105) 243
HINDOC-Hindoo Creek - Tributary to Rattlesnake Creek (17030002) 539.187.045.021
HLK-Hemlock Dam, Wind River (WA) watershed (17070105) 251.017.002
HLKTAL-HLK - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17070105) 251.017.002
HOGIS-Hog Island, Clearwater River (17060306) 522.224.014
HOODEF-East Fork Hood River (17070105) 273.023
HOODMF-Middle Fork Hood River (17070105) 273.023
HOODR-Hood River (17070105) 273
HOODWF-West Fork Hood River (17070105) 273.020
HORS2C-Horse Creek, upper McKenzie River Basin (17090004) 163.282.101
HORS3C-Horse Creek, Imnaha River Basin (17060102) 522.308.018
HORSEC-Horse Creek (17060207) 522.303.301
HUCKLC-Huckleberry Creek (17060201) 522.303.624
HUNGC-Hungery Creek (Lochsa River Basin) (17060303) 522.
HUNT2C-Hunter Creek, tributary to Columbia River (17020001) 1058
HURRIC-Hurricane Creek, tributary to Wallowa River (17060105) 522.271.131.067
HYDTRP-Hayden Creek Rotary Screw Trap (17060204) 522.303.416.049.001
I-90B-I-90 bridge over Columbia River upstream of Wanapum Dam (17020010) 677
ICICLC-Icicle Creek (17020011) 754.041
IHR-Ice Harbor Dam (17060110) 522.016
IHRBYP-IHR - Release into the Facility Bypass Flume/Pipe (17060110) 522.016
IHRCOL-IHR - Release into the Collection Channel upstream of the Dewatering Facility (17060110) 522.016
IHRSPF-IHR - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Spillway (17060110) 522.016
IHRSPL-IHR - Release directly into Spill Bay(s) (17060110) 522.016
IHRTAL-IHR - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17060110) 522.016
IHRTRB-IHR - Release into Turbine(s) (17060110) 522.016
IMNAHR-Imnaha River (17060102) 522.308
IMNAHW-Imnaha River Weir (17060102) 522.308.084
IMNTRP-Imnaha Trap (17060102) 522.308.007
IMQP-Imeques Acclimation Pond (17070103) 465.128
INDI2C-Indian Creek, tributary to Tillicum Creek (17020010) 778.017.003.004
INDI3C-Indian Creek, tributary to upper Grande Ronde River (17060104) 522.271.165
INDIAC-Indian Creek, Middle Fork Salmon River (17060205) 522.303.319.110
INDINC-Indian Creek - Tributary to North Fork Teanaway River (17030001) 539.284.017.007
INKANC-Inkaneep Creek - tributary to Okanagan River (Canada) (17020006) 858.139
IRON2C-Iron Creek - tributary to Sanpoil River (17020004) 981.026
IRONC-Iron Creek - tributary to Salmon River (17060203) 522.303.461
IRRI-Irrigon Hatchery (17070101) *
IS18-Island 18, Columbia River (17020016) 549
ISQUUC-Isqúulktpe Creek, Umatilla River (17070103) 465.124
JACK2C-Jack Creek, tributary of Icicle Creek, Wenatchee River Watershed (17020011) 754.041.027
JACKC-Jack Creek - Tributary to North Fork Teanaway River (17030001) 539.284.017.010
JACKCP-Jack Creek Acclimation Pond (17030001) 539.284.017.009
JACKSC-Jacks Creek (17060306) 522.224.047
JARBC-Jarboe Creek, tributary to Lookingglass Creek (17060104) 522.271.137.003
JDA-John Day Dam (17070105) 347
JDABYP-JDA - Release into the Facility Bypass Flume/Pipe (17070105) 347
JDACOL-JDA - Release into the Collection Channel upstream of the Dewatering Facility (17070105) 347
JDAFBY-JDA - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17070105) 347
JDAGAT-JDA - Release into Flume between Separator Exit and the Primary PIT-Tag Diversion Gate (17070105) 347
JDAGWL-JDA - Release into Gatewell(s) (17070105) 347
JDALD1-JDA - Release into south fish ladder (17070105) 347
JDALD2-JDA - Release into north fish ladder (17070105) 347
JDAMRT-JDA - Mortality Recovery (17070105) 347
JDAR1-John Day River - mouth to North Fork John Day River (km 0-298) (17070204) 351
JDAR2-John Day River - North Fork John Day River to headwaters (km 298-454) (17070201) 351
JDARMF-Middle Fork John Day River (17070203) 351.298.052
JDARNF-North Fork John Day River (17070202) 351.298
JDARRR-JDA - Release below the PIT-Tag Diversion System Gate with subsequent Return to the River at the Facility (17070105) 347
JDARSF-South Fork John Day River (17070201) 351.341
JDATAL-JDA - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17070105) 347
JDPI-Preacher's Island downstream of John Day Dam (17070105) 345
JERSEC-Jersey Creek (17060207) 522.303.223
JNSCAS-Jones Creek Acc. Site, WF Hood River (17070105) 273.020.041
JOHN2C-Johnson Creek - tributary to Okanogan River (17020006) 858.066
JOHNC-Johns Creek (17060305) 522.224.120.056
JOHNSC-Johnson Creek (17060208) 522.303.215.060.024
JOHTRP-Johnson Creek Trap (17060208) 522.303.
JOSEPC-Joseph Creek, Grande Ronde River Basin (17060106) 522.271.007
JSFBC-Black Canyon Creek, South Fork John Day River (17070201) 351.341.023
JSFDC-Deer Creek, South Fork John Day River (17070201) 351.341.028
JSFMC-Murderers Creek, South Fork John Day River (17070201) 351.341.027
JSFWC-Wind Creek, South Fork John Day River (17070201) 351.341.033
JUNGLC-Jungle Creek - Tributary to North Fork Teanaway River (17030001) 539.284.017.011
JUNKEC-Junkens Creek, tributary to Desolation Creek (17070202) 351.298.097.023
KACHR-Kachess River, Upper Yakima Basin (17030001) 539.330
KAD-Kachess Dam (17030001) 539.330.003
KADC-Kadletz Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.049.014.003
KADFBY-KAD - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17030001) 539.330.003
KADTAL-KAD - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17030001) 539.330.003
KALA-Kalama Falls Hatchery, WDFW (17080003) 118.017
KALAMR-Kalama River (17080003) 118
KED-Keechelus Dam (17030001) 539.347
KEDFBY-KED - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17030001) 539.347
KEDTAL-KED - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17030001) 539.347
KENYC-Kenney Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.029
KETFAL-Kettle Falls (17020001) 1127
KETTLR-Kettle River - Upper Columbia Basin (17020002) 1131
KLICKR-Klickitat River (17070106) 290
KLIH-Klickitat Hatchery (17070106) 290.069
KNAPPC-Knapp Creek (17060205) 522.303.319.170.015
KNOXB-Knox Bridge, SF Salmon River (17060208) 522.303.215.118
KOOS-Kooskia National Fish Hatchery (17060304) 522.
KOOT1-Kootenai River - mouth to Yaak River (km 0-281) (17010104) 1240
LAKE2C-Lake Creek, Metolius River watershed (17070301) 328.177.061.007
LAKE3C-Lake Creek, tributary to Entiat River (17020010) 778.049
LAKEBR-Lake Branch (tributary to West Fork Hood River) (17070105) 273.020.009
LAKEC-Lake Creek (17060208) 522.303.215.059.045
LAPC-Lapwai Creek (17060306) 522.224.019
LASTC-Last Creek - Clackamas Subbasin (17090011)
LAURLK-Laurance Lake Reservoir (17070105)
LAWYRC-Lawyer Creek, tributary to Clearwater River (17060306) 522.224.109
LBCWF-West Fork Little Bear Creek, Potlatch River watershed (17060306) 522.
LBEARC-Little Bear Creek, Potlatch River watershed (17060306) 522.
LBLDRC-Little Boulder Creek, tributary to Kettle River (17020002) 1131.039
LBOULC-Little Boulder Creek, Potlatch River watershed (17060306) 522.224.024.059
LBRIC-Little Bridge Creek,tributary to Twisp River (17020008) 843.066.014
LCATHC-Little Catherine Creek (17060104) 522.271.232.044
LEA-Leaburg Dam (17090004) 163.282.056
LEAB-Leaburg Hatchery (17090004) 163.282.056
LEABYP-LEA - Release into the Facility Bypass Flume/Pipe (17090004) 163.282.056
LEAFBY-LEA - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17090004) 163.282.056
LEATAL-LEA - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17090004) 163.282.056
LEAV-Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery (17020011) 754.041.005
LEB-Lebanon Dam (17090006)
LEBFBY-LEB - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17090006)
LEBLDS-LEB - Release into the south ladder trap. (17090006)
LEEC-Lee Creek - tributary to Lemhi River (17060204) 522.303.416.079
LEMHIR-Lemhi River (17060204) 522.303.416
LEMHIW-Lemhi River Weir (17060204) 522.303.416.049
LEMONC-Lemon Creek, Middle Fork John Day River Basin (17070203) 351.
LEMTRP-Upper Lemhi River Rotary Screw Trap (17060204) 522.303.416.049
LENLKE-Lenore Lake, WA (17020014) ___
LEOPOC-Leopold Creek, Potlatch River watershed (17060306) 522.
LEWCLK-Lewis and Clark River, tributary to Youngs Bay (17080006) 008.003
LEWH-Lewis River Hatchery (17080002) 140.025
LEWIEF-East Fork Lewis River (17080002) 140.006
LEWISP-Lewis River Release Pond (17080002) 140.014
LEWISR-Lewis River (17080002) 140
LFAF-Little Falls Acclimation Facility (17010307) 1020.051
LGR-Lower Granite Dam (17060107) 522.173
LGRBPS-LGR - Release into the PIT-Tag Diversion System between the Diversion Gate and the furthest downstream PIT-Tag Detector (17060107) 522.173
LGRBYP-LGR - Release into the Facility Bypass Flume/Pipe (17060107) 522.173
LGRCOL-LGR - Release into the Collection Channel upstream of the Dewatering Facility (17060107) 522.173
LGRDTG-LGR - Release into the Collection Flume/Pipe between the Dewatering Facility and the Collection/Bypass Gate (17060107) 522.173
LGRDWT-LGR - Release into the Dewatering Facility (17060107) 522.173
LGRFBY-LGR - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17060107) 522.173
LGRGAT-LGR - Release into Flume between Separator Exit and the Primary PIT-Tag Diversion Gate (17060107) 522.173
LGRGWL-LGR - Release into Gatewell(s) (17060107) 522.173
LGRICE-LGR - Release into the Ice/Trash Sluiceway (17060107) 522.173
LGRLDR-LGR - Release into the Adult Fish Ladder (17060107) 522.173
LGRMRT-LGR - Mortality Recovery (17060107) 522.173
LGROFL-LGR - Release into the PIT-Tag Diversion System downstream of the Last PIT-Tag Detector (17060107) 522.173
LGRORI-LGR - Release into Orifice(s) (17060107) 522.173
LGRRBR-LGR - Release below the PIT-Tag Diversion System Gate with subsequent Barge Transportation from the Facility (17060107) 522.173
LGRRRR-LGR - Release below the PIT-Tag Diversion System Gate with subsequent Return to the River at the Facility (17060107) 522.173
LGRRTR-LGR - Release below the PIT-Tag Diversion System Gate with subsequent Truck Transportation from the Facility (17060107) 522.173
LGRRXR-LGR - Release below the PIT-Tag Diversion System Gate with subsequent Transportation from the Facility (17060107) 522.173
LGRSEP-LGR - Release into the Flume downsteam of the Collection/Bypass Gate or into the Separator (17060107) 522.173
LGRSPL-LGR - Release directly into Spill Bay(s) (17060107) 522.173
LGRSTS-LGR - Release onto the Submerged Traveling Screen (17060107) 522.173
LGRTAL-LGR - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17060107) 522.173
LGRTRB-LGR - Release into Turbine(s) (17060107) 522.173
LGS-Little Goose Dam (17060107) 522.113
LGSBPS-LGS - Release into the PIT-Tag Diversion System between the Diversion Gate and the furthest downstream PIT-Tag Detector (17060107) 522.113
LGSBYP-LGS - Release into the Facility Bypass Flume/Pipe (17060107) 522.113
LGSCOL-LGS - Release into the Collection Channel upstream of the Dewatering Facility (17060107) 522.113
LGSDTG-LGS - Release into the Collection Flume/Pipe between the Dewatering Facility and the Collection/Bypass Gate (17060107) 522.113
LGSDWT-LGS - Release into the Dewatering Facility (17060107) 522.113
LGSFBY-LGS - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17060107) 522.113
LGSGAT-LGS - Release into Flume between Separator Exit and the Primary PIT-Tag Diversion Gate (17060107) 522.113
LGSGWL-LGS - Release into Gatewell(s) (17060107) 522.113
LGSICE-LGS - Release into the Ice/Trash Sluiceway (17060107) 522.113
LGSMRT-LGS - Mortality Recovery (17060107) 522.113
LGSOFL-LGS - Release into the PIT-Tag Diversion System downstream of the Last PIT-Tag Detector (17060107) 522.113
LGSORI-LGS - Release into Orifice(s) (17060107) 522.113
LGSRBR-LGS - Release below the PIT-Tag Diversion System Gate with subsequent Barge Transportation from the Facility (17060107) 522.113
LGSRRR-LGS - Release below the PIT-Tag Diversion System Gate with subsequent Return to the River at the Facility (17060107) 522.113
LGSRTR-LGS - Release below the PIT-Tag Diversion System Gate with subsequent Truck Transportation from the Facility (17060107) 522.113
LGSRXR-LGS - Release below the PIT-Tag Diversion System Gate with subsequent Transportation from the Facility (17060107) 522.113
LGSSEP-LGS - Release into the Flume downsteam of the Collection/Bypass Gate or into the Separator (17060107) 522.113
LGSSPL-LGS - Release directly into Spill Bay(s) (17060107) 522.113
LGSSTS-LGS - Release onto the Submerged Traveling Screen (17060107) 522.113
LGSTAL-LGS - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17060107) 522.113
LGSTRB-LGS - Release into Turbine(s) (17060107) 522.113
LHOGIS-Lower Hog Island, Clearwater River at km 13 (17060306) 522.224.013
LIBBYC-Libby Creek, Methow River (17020008) 843.042
LICK2C-Lick Creek, tributary to Big Sheep Creek, Imnaha drainage (17060102) 522.308.032.051
LICK3C-Lick Creek, Middle Fork John Day River Basin (17070203) 351.
LICKC-Lick Creek (17060208) 522.303.215.059.008
LILYSL-Lily Slough, Lower Columbia (17090012) 139.000
LIMBJC-Limber Jim Creek, tributary to upper Grande Ronde River (17060104) 522.271.318
LINEC-Line Creek, Umatilla River (17070103) 465.127.008
LIT8MC-Little Eightmile Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.073
LITCAC-Little Canyon Creek (17060306) 522.224.057.005
LITL2C-Little Creek, tributary to Catherine Creek (17060104) 522.271.232.022
LITNGC-Lightning Creek, Imnaha River (17060102) 522.308.008
LITTLC-Little Creek, Tributary to Yakima River (17030001) 539.313
LKLICR-Little Klickitat River (17070106) 290.033
LLOOKC-Little Lookingglass Creek, tributary to Lookingglass Creek (17060104) 522.271.137.007
LLRTP-Lower Lemhi River Rotary Screw Trap (17060204) 522.303.416.007
LLSPRC-Lemhi Little Springs Creek (17060204) 522.303.416.066
LMEMIS-Little Memaloose Island, Columbia River (17070105) 314
LMILIS-Little Miller Island, Columbia River (17070105) 331
LMN-Lower Monumental Dam (17060110) 522.067
LMNBPS-LMN - Release into the PIT-Tag Diversion System between the Diversion Gate and the furthest downstream PIT-Tag Detector (17060110) 522.067
LMNBYP-LMN - Release into the Facility Bypass Flume/Pipe (17060110) 522.067
LMNCOL-LMN - Release into the Collection Channel upstream of the Dewatering Facility (17060110) 522.067
LMNDTG-LMN - Release into the Collection Flume/Pipe between the Dewatering Facility and the Collection/Bypass Gate (17060110) 522.067
LMNDWT-LMN - Release into the Dewatering Facility (17060110) 522.067
LMNFBY-LMN - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17060110) 522.067
LMNGAT-LMN - Release into Flume between Separator Exit and the Primary PIT-Tag Diversion Gate (17060110) 522.067
LMNGWL-LMN - Release into Gatewell(s) (17060110) 522.067
LMNICE-LMN - Release into the Ice/Trash Sluiceway (17060110) 522.067
LMNMRT-LMN - Mortality Recovery (17060110) 522.067
LMNOFL-LMN - Release into the PIT-Tag Diversion System downstream of the Last PIT-Tag Detector (17060110) 522.067
LMNORI-LMN - Release into Orifice(s) (17060110) 522.067
LMNRBR-LMN - Release below the PIT-Tag Diversion System Gate with subsequent Barge Transportation from the Facility (17060110) 522.067
LMNRRR-LMN - Release below the PIT-Tag Diversion System Gate with subsequent Return to the River at the Facility (17060110) 522.067
LMNRTR-LMN - Release below the PIT-Tag Diversion System Gate with subsequent Truck Transportation from the Facility (17060110) 522.067
LMNRXR-LMN - Release below the PIT-Tag Diversion System Gate with subsequent Transportation from the Facility (17060110) 522.067
LMNSEP-LMN - Release into the Flume downsteam of the Collection/Bypass Gate or into the Separator (17060110) 522.067
LMNSPL-LMN - Release directly into Spill Bay(s) (17060110) 522.067
LMNSTS-LMN - Release onto the Submerged Traveling Screen (17060110) 522.067
LMNTAL-LMN - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17060110) 522.067
LMNTRB-LMN - Release into Turbine(s) (17060110) 522.067
LMONIS-Lower Monumental Island, Snake River (17060110) 522.064
LNSANR-Little North Santiam River (17090005)
LOCHSA-Lochsa River (17060303) 522.224.120.037
LOCTRP-Lochsa River Screw Trap at Selway Rd Bridge (17060303) 522.
LOGANC-Logan Creek, Big Creek watershed, MF Salmon River (17060206) 522.303.319.029.058
LOGCC-Logging Camp Creek, Klickitat River (17070106) 290.015
LOGYC-Logy Creek, tributary to Satus Creek (17030003) 539.112.041
LOLOC-Lolo Creek (17060306) 522.224.087
LOLTRP-Lolo Creek Rotary Screw Trap (17060306) 522.224.087.022
LONERC-Lone Rock Creek, Lower Mainstem John Day River (17070204) 351.034.076
LOOH-Lookingglass Hatchery (17060104) 522.271.137.003
LOOKGC-Lookingglass Creek (17060104) 522.271.137
LOONC-Loon Creek (17060205) 522.303.319.073
LOONYC-Loony Creek - tributary to Lost Creek (17020004) 981.076.022.015
LOP-Lookout Point Dam (USACE), MF Willamette River (17090001) 163.301.032
LOPREG-LOP - Release into the Regulating Channel of the Tailrace within 0.5 km of Dam (17090001) 163.301.032
LOPTAL-LOP - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17090001) 163.301.032
LOPTUR-LOP - Release into the Turbine Channel of the Tailrace within 0.5 km of Dam (17090001) 163.301.032
LOSTC-Lost Creek - tributary to West Fork Sanpoil River (17020004) 981.076.022
LOSTIP-Lostine River Pond (17060105) 522.
LOSTIR-Lostine River (17060105) 522.271.131.042
LOSTIW-Lostine River Weir (17060105) 522.
LOSTR-Lost River, Methow River Basin (17020008) 843.122
LOUIEC-Louie Creek - tributary to Sanpoil River (17020004) 981.034
LOUPLC-Loup Loup Creek, Okanogan River Basin (17020006) 858.028
LRSNKC-Little Rattlesnake Creek - Tributary to Rattlesnake Creek (17030002) 539.187.045.002
LSALR-Little Salmon River (17060210) 522.303.140
LSFTRP-Lower SF Salmon River Trap at rkm 61 (17060208) 522.303.215.061
LSHEEC-Little Sheep Creek, tributary to Big Sheep Creek, Imnaha drainage (17060102) 522.308.032.005
LSHEEF-Little Sheep Facility (17060102) 522.308.032.005.008
LTIMBC-Little Timber Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.089.007
LTNACR-Little Naches River- Naches Subbasin (17030002) 539.187.072
LTNANF-North Fork Little Naches River - Tributary to Little Naches River (17030002) 539.187.072.021
LUGUAF-Lukes Gulch Acclimation Facility, SF Clearwater River (17060305) 522.224.120.014
LWD-Lowden Diversion Dam II, Walla Walla River (17070102) 509.051
LWDTAL-LWD - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17070102) 509.051
LWENAT-Little Wenatchee River (17020011) 754.090.008
LWSALR-Little White Salmon River (17070105) 261
LWSH-Little White Salmon National Fish Hatchery (17070105) 261.002
LYFE-Lyons Ferry Hatchery (17060110) 522.095
LYLFAT-Lyle Falls Adult Fish Trap, Klickitat River (17070106) 290.004
MADRVR-Mad River (Entiat River watershed) (17020010) 778.017
MAHOGC-Mahogany Creek, Imnaha River Basin (17060102) 522.308.083
MANASC-Manastash Creek - tributary to Yakima River (17030001) 539.253
MARI-Marion Forks Fish Hatchery (17090005)
MARIOC-Marion Creek, tributary to North Santiam River (17090005)
MARION-Marion Drain (17030003) 539.136
MARSHC-Marsh Creek (17060205) 522.303.319.170
MARTR2-Lower Marsh Creek Trap at rkm 8 (17060205) 522.303.319.170.008
MARTRP-Marsh Creek Trap (17060205) 522.303.319.170.011
MASON-Mason Creek, tributary to East Fork Lewis River (17080002) 140.006.009
MAVA-Magic Valley Hatchery (17040212) *
MCCA-McCall Hatchery (17050123) *
MCCOYC-McCoy Creek, Upper Grande Ronde (17060104) 522.271.290.003
MCCULC-McCully Creek, tributary to Little Sheep Creek, Imnaha drainage (17060102) 522.308.032.005.033
MCD-Mill Creek Diversion Dam (aka Bennington Dam) (17070102) 509.054.019
MCDEVC-McDevitt Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.042
MCI-McIntyre Dam (17020006) 858.166
MCITAL-MCI - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17020006) 858.166
MCKA2C-McKay Creek, Crooked River (17070305) 328.177.072
MCKA2P-Acclimation Pond on McKay Creek , tributary to Crooked River in the Deschutes River Basin (17070305) 328.177.072.000
MCKAYC-McKay Creek, Umatilla River (17070103) 465.082
MCKE-McKenzie Hatchery (17090004) 163.282.053
MCKER-McKenzie River (17090004) 163.282
MCKESF-South Fork McKenzie River (17090004) 163.282.090
MCN-McNary Dam (17070101) 470
MCNBPS-MCN - Release into the PIT-Tag Diversion System between the Diversion Gate and the furthest downstream PIT-Tag Detector (17070101) 470
MCNBYP-MCN - Release into the Facility Bypass Flume/Pipe (17070101) 470
MCNCOL-MCN - Release into the Collection Channel upstream of the Dewatering Facility (17070101) 470
MCNDTG-MCN - Release into the Collection Flume/Pipe between the Dewatering Facility and the Collection/Bypass Gate (17070101) 470
MCNDWT-MCN - Release into the Dewatering Facility (17070101) 470
MCNFBY-MCN - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17070101) 470
MCNGAT-MCN - Release into Flume between Separator Exit and the Primary PIT-Tag Diversion Gate (17070101) 470
MCNGWL-MCN - Release into Gatewell(s) (17070101) 470
MCNICE-MCN - Release into the Ice/Trash Sluiceway (17070101) 470
MCNLD1-MCN - Release into the Left Bank (Oregon) Adult Fish Ladder (17070101) 470
MCNMRT-MCN - Mortality Recovery (17070101) 470
MCNOFL-MCN - Release into the PIT-Tag Diversion System downstream of the Last PIT-Tag Detector (17070101) 470
MCNORI-MCN - Release into Orifice(s) (17070101) 470
MCNRBR-MCN - Release below the PIT-Tag Diversion System Gate with subsequent Barge Transportation from the Facility (17070101) 470
MCNRRR-MCN - Release below the PIT-Tag Diversion System Gate with subsequent Return to the River at the Facility (17070101) 470
MCNRTR-MCN - Release below the PIT-Tag Diversion System Gate with subsequent Truck Transportation from the Facility (17070101) 470
MCNRXR-MCN - Release below the PIT-Tag Diversion System Gate with subsequent Transportation from the Facility (17070101) 470
MCNSEP-MCN - Release into the Flume downsteam of the Collection/Bypass Gate or into the Separator (17070101) 470
MCNSPL-MCN - Release directly into Spill Bay(s) (17070101) 470
MCNSRR-MCN - Release into the Separator Return Flume/Pipe with Direct Return to the River (17070101) 470
MCNSTS-MCN - Release onto the Submerged Traveling Screen (17070101) 470
MCNTAL-MCN - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17070101) 470
MCNTRB-MCN - Release into Turbine(s) (17070101) 470
MDSH-Marion Drain Sturgeon Hatchery (17030003) *
MDVAP-Mid-Valley Acclimation Pond, Methow River Watershed (17020008) 843.088
MEACHC-Meacham Creek, Umatilla River (17070103) 465.127
MEACHE-East Fork Meacham Creek (17070103) 465.127.031
MEACHN-North Fork Meacham Creek (17070103) 465.127.024
MEAD2C-Meadow Creek, South Fork Clearwater (17060305) 522.224.120.053
MEAD3C-Meadow Creek, tributary to Grande Ronde River (17060106) 522.271.118
MEAD4C-Meadow Creek, tributary to upper Grande Ronde River (17060104) 522.271.290
MEADOC-Meadow Creek, Selway River (17060302) 522.
MEGC-Megler Creek, tributary to Columbia River (17080006) 013
MERH-Merwin Hatchery (WDFW) (17080002) *
METH-Methow Hatchery (17020008) 843.085
METHR-Methow River (17020008) 843
METOLR-Metolius River (17070301) 328.177
METRWT-Upper Methow River Rotary Screw Trap (17020008) 843.081
METTRP-Methow Smolt Trap at McFarland Creek Road Bridge (17020008) 843.030
MFD-Mayfield Dam (17080005) 111.085
MFDFTF-Mayfield Dam Entrance to Counting House Raceways (17080005) 111.085
MFDLBN-Mayfield Dam North Louver Bay (17080005) 111.085
MFDLBS-Mayfield Dam South Louver Bay (17080005) 111.085
MFDSEP-Mayfield Dam Secondary Separator Downwell (17080005) 111.085
MFLBC-Middle Fork Little Boulder Creek (17020002) 1031.039.008
MHP-Merwin Hydroelectric Project (17080002) 140.031
MHPFBY-MHP - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17080002) 140.031
MHPTAL-MHP - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17080002) 140.031
MILKC-Milk Creek, tributary to Catherine Creek (17060104) 522.271.232.045
MILL2C-Mill Creek, SF Clearwater River (17060305) 522.224.120.052
MILL3C-Mill Creek, Columbia River at The Dalles, OR (17070105) 304
MILL4C-Mill Creek, Lower Columbia River, Washington (17080003) 087
MILL5C-Mill Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.066
MILLC-Mill Creek, Walla Walla River (17070102) 509.054
MINAMR-Minam River (17060105) 522.271.131.016
MINKC-Mink Creek (17060302) 522.
MINP-Minthorn Acclimation Pond (17070103) 465.109
MINTO-Minto Fish Facility (17090005)
MIS2EF-East Fork Mission Creek, Wenatchee Basin (17020011) 754.017.017
MISS2C-Mission Creek, Wenatchee River (17020011) 754.017
MISSC-Mission Creek (17060306) 522.224.019.016
MISSNC-Mission Creek, Umatilla River (17070103) 465.098
MLAK2C-Middle Fork Lake Creek, Metolius River watershed (17070301) 328.177.061.003
MLRSNI-Miller Sands Island, Columbia River Estuary (17080006) 038
MOLALR-Molalla River (17090009) 163.057
MOLRNF-North Fork Molalla River (17090009) 163.057.041
MONCWF-West Fork Monumental Creek, Big Creek watershed, MF Salmon River (17060206) 522.303.319.029.038.024
MONUMC-Monumental Creek, Big Creek watershed, MF Salmon River (17060206) 522.303.319.029.038
MOONSC-Moonshine Creek, Umatilla River (17070103) 465.108
MOOS2C-Moose Creek (Selway River) (17060302) 522.
MOOS2N-North Fork Moose Creek, Selway River (17060302) 522.
MOOS3C-Moose Creek, Potlatch River watershed (17060306) 522.224.024.076
MOOSEC-Moose Creek (17060207) 522.303.282.031
MOSESC-Moses Creek - tributary to South Fork Haden Creek (17020004) 981.
MOTTC-Mottet Creek, tributary to Little Lookgingglass Creek (17060104) 522.
MOYERC-Moyer Creek, trib. to Panther Creek, Salmon River (17060203) 522.303.338.047
MPOTLC-Middle Potlatch Creek, Potlatch River watershed (17060306) 522.224.024.016
MRSH-Melvin R. Sampson Hatchery (17030001) 539.260
MSALEY-Middle Salmon-Panther Ellis Rookery (17060202) 522.303.491
MSALLY-Middle Salmon-Panther Leadore Rookery (17060204) 522.303.416.077.003
MSALNY-Middle Salmon-Panther NF Rookery (17060203) 522.303.383
MSALSY-Middle Salmon-Panther Salmon Rookery (17060203) 522.303.420
MSANTR-Middle Santiam River, Oregon (17090006)
MSKF-Methow Steelhead Kelt Facility (17020008) 843.081
MSLA2C-Middle Fk South Fk Lake Creek, Metolius River watershed (17070301) 328.177.061
MUDDYP-Muddy River Acclimation Pond (17080002) 140.087.008
MUDDYR-Muddy River - tributary to Lewis River (17080002) 140.087
MULTCH-Multnomah Channel, Columbia River (17090012) 139
MULTMA-Multnomah Channel Marsh, Lower Wilamette (17090012) 139.125
MURDSF-South Fork Murderers Creek, South Fork John Day River Basin (17070201) 351.341.027.012
MUSCRC-Musgrove Creek, trib. to Panther Creek, Salmon River (17060203) 522.303.338.047
MVFLAP-Moving Falls Acc. Ponds, WF Hood River (17070105) 273.020.004
MXWLCN-Maxwell Diversion Canal - headgate to diversion screen (km 000-002) (17070103) 465.024
NAF-Nason Acclimation Facility (17020011) 754.089.014
NAPEEC-Napeequa River, tributary to White River (17020011) 754.090.028
NASONC-Nason Creek (tributary to Wenatchee River) (17020011) 754.089
NATCHR-Natches River (17030002) 539.187
NBG-Nursery Bridge Diversion Dam, Walla Walla River (17070102) 509.072
NBGFBY-NBG - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17070102) 509.072
NBGTAL-NBG - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17070102) 509.072
NEALC-Neal Creek, tributary to Hood River (OR) (17070105) 273.007
NESPR-Nespelem River, tributary to Columbia River (17020005) 928
NEWSOC-Newsome Creek (17060305) 522.224.120.084
NFCHEW-North Fork Chewelah Creek (17020003) 1121.073.003.000
NFLBC-North Fork Little Boulder Creek (17020002) 1031.039.006
NFSTRP-North Fork Salmon River Rotary Screw Trap (17060203) 522.303.381.001
NFTEAN-North Fork Teanaway River (17030001) 539.284.017
NFTRAP-North Fork Tieton River Trap (17030002) 539.
NILEC-Nile Creek, tributary to Naches River (17030002) 539.187.047
NISP-Niagara Springs Hatchery (17040212) *
NLVP-North Lapwai Valley Acclimation Pond (17060306) 522.224.019.001
NNANAC-North Nanamkin Creek - tributary to Sanpoil River (17020004) 981.055
NPTH-Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery (17060306) 522.224.038
NRPTBL-Northport Boat Launch (17020001) 1179
NSANTR-North Santiam River, Oregon (17090005) 163.174.019
NSCAPC-North Scappoose Creek (17090012)
OAKC-Oak Creek, Tributary to Tieton River (17030002) 539.187.028.003
OASP-Oak Springs Hatchery (17070306) *
OBRIEC-O Brien Creek, tributary to Sanpoil River (17020004) 981.107
OCHOCC-Ochoco Creek, Crooked River (17070305) 328.177.072
OCW-Omak Creek Weir (17020006) 858.052.001
OHARAC-O'Hara Creek (17060302) 522.
OKANR-Okanogan River (17020006) 858
OKPENU-Okanagan Lake upstream of Penticton Dam (17020006) 858.197
OKRCRY-Cormorant Rookery on Cassimer Bar (17020006) 858.001
OLDMAC-Old Man Creek (17060303) 522.
OMAKC-Omak Creek (tributary to Okanogan River) (17020006) 858.052
OMAKP-Omak Acclimation Pond (17020006) 858.052
OMCRST-Omak Creek Rotary Screw Trap (17020006) 858.052.000
ONAF-Okanagan Nation Alliance k? cp?lk stim Hatchery (17020006) 858.195.001
ONIONC-Onion Creek - Upper Columbia Basin (17020001) 1171
ONTAC-Oneonta Creek, Lower Columbia (17080001) 222
OROFC-Orofino Creek (17060306) 522.224.072
OSOYBR-Osoyoos Lake Narrows Hwy 3 Bridge (17020006) 858.135
OSOYHA-Osoyoos Lake at Haynes Point Campground (17020006) 858.134
OSOYOL-Osoyoos Lake (17020006) 858.130
OXBH-Oxbox Hatchery, Cascade Locks, OR (ODFW) (17070105) *
OXBO-Oxbow Hatchery (IDFG) (17050201) *
PAANAP-Paasasikwana Naokwaide Pond (17060201) 522.303.564.001
PAASNA-Paasasikwana Naokwaide, Salmon River (17060201) 522.303.564
PAHH-Pahsimeroi Hatchery (17060202) 522.303.489.011
PAHP-Pahsimeroi Pond (17060202) 522.303.489.011
PAHSIR-Pahsimeroi River (17060202) 522.303.489
PAHSIW-Pahsimeroi Weir (17060202) 522.303.489.002
PAHTRP-Pahsimeroi River Trap (17060202) 522.303.489.002
PANT2C-Panther Creek (trib. to Wind River, Wash.) (17070105) 251.007
PANTCW-Panther Creek Weir Trib of Salmon River (17060203) 522.303.338.040
PANTHC-Panther Creek (Salmon River) (17060203) 522.303.338
PAPOOC-Papoose Creek (17060303) 522.
PARK-Parkdale Hatchery (17070105)
PARTRC-Partridge Creek (17060209) 522.303.160
PATAHC-Patah Creek - tributary to Tucannon River (17060107) 522.100.019
PATITC-Patit Creek - tributary to Touchet River (17070102) 509.035.101
PATTEC-Pattee Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.037
PEARSC-Pearson Creek, Umatilla River (17070103) 465.077.026.018
PELTON-Pelton Ladder (Deschutes River) Acclimation Pond (17070306) 328.161
PENAWC-Penawawa Creek - tributary to Snake River (17060107) 522.145
PENP-Pendleton Acclimation Pond (17070103) 465.090
PER-Pelton Reregulating Dam (17070306) 328.161
PERAFT-PER - Adult Fish Trap (17070306) 328.161
PERTAL-PER - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17070306) 328.161
PESHAR-Peshastin River (17020011) 754.029
PETEKC-Pete King Creek (17060303) 522.
PETTL-Pettit Lake (17060201) 522.303.633.002.002
PETTLC-Pettit Lake Creek (17060201) 522.303.633.002
PHOEBC-Phoebe Creek, SF Salmon River (17060208) 522.303.215.076
PIAHC-Piah Creek, Secesh River Basin (17060208) 522.303.215.059.038
PIER3-Pier 3 boat yard, Port of Astoria, OR (17080006) 19
PINE2C-Pine Creek, Potlatch River watershed (17060306) 522.224.024.028
PINE3C-Pine Creek, Middle Columbia (17070101) 398
PINEC-Pine Creek, Walla Walla River (17070102) 509.038
PINHC-Pinhead Creek - Clackamas Subbasin (17090011) 163.040.109
PISTOC-Pistol Creek, Middle Fork Salmon River (17060205) 522.303.319.118
PIVASC-Pivash Creek, Potlatch River watershed (17060306) 522.
PLAP-Pittsburg Landing Acclimation Facility (17060101) 522.346
POISNC-Poison Creek, tributary to Salmon River (17060203) 522.303.462
POLEC-Pole Creek (17060201) 522.303.642
POR1-Pend Oreille River - mouth to Albeni Falls Dam (km 0-144) (17010216) 1195
POR2-Pend Oreille River - Albeni Falls Dam to Lake Pend Oreille (km 144-183) (17010214) 1195
POSTOC-Post Office Creek (17060303) 522.
POTATC-Potato Creek, tributary to Entiat River (17020010) 778.025
POTHOL-Potholes Reservoir, Grant County, Washington (17020015) ___
POTR-Potlatch River (17060306) 522.224.024
POTREF-East Fork Potlatch River (17060306) 522.224.024.065
POTRWF-West Fork Potlatch River (17060306) 522.224.024.083
POWP-Powell Rearing Pond (17060303) 522.
PRATTC-Pratt Creek - tributary to Lemhi River (17060204) 522.303.416.023
PRD-Priest Rapids Dam (17020016) 639
PRDFBY-PRD - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17020016) 639
PRDGWL-PRD - Release into Gatewell(s) (17020016) 639
PRDH-Priest Rapids Hatchery (17020016) 639
PRDLD1-PRD - Release into the Left Bank (facing downstream) Adult Fish Ladder (17020016) 639
PRDMRT-PRD - Mortality Recovery (17020016) 639
PRDTAL-PRD - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17020016) 639
PRESTR-Priest River, tributary to Pend Oreille River (17010215) 1195.152
PRO-Prosser Diversion Dam, Yakima River (17030003) 539.076
PROFBY-PRO - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17030003) 539.076
PROH-Prosser Hatchery (17030003) 539.075
PROSRD-Prosser Dam (Archaic - replaced with PRO) (17030003) 539.076
PROSRR-PRO - Release into the Separator Return Flume/Pipe with Direct Return to the River (17030003) 539.076
PROTAL-PRO - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17030003) 539.076
PROTRP-Prosser Trap (Archaic) (17030003) 539.076
PURDUC-Purdue Creek, Potlatch River watershed (17060306) 522.224.024.080
PWD-Powerdale Dam, Hood River (17070105) 273.007
PWDFBY-PWD - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17070105) 273.007
QKASPC-Quaking Asp Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.092.021
QRTZC-Quartz Creek - Tributary to Little Naches River (17030002) 539.187.072.005
QUARTC-Quartzville Creek, tributary to Middle Santiam River (17090006)
QURTZC-Quartz Creek, tributary to Priest River (17010215) 1195.152.025
RAMSYC-Ramsey Creek, Fifteen Mile Creek Watershed (17070105) 309.056
RAPH-Rapid River Hatchery (17060210) 522.303.140.007.006
RAPIDR-Rapid River, Little Salmon River (17060210) 522.303.140.007
RAPIWF-West Fork Rapid River (17060210) 522.303.140.007.012
RAPR-Rapid River, Middle Fork Salmon River (17060205) 522.303.319.124
RATTLC-Rattlesnake Creek (17070105) 271.012
RCK5RF-Righthand Fork Rock Creek - Tributary to Rock Creek (17030002) 539.187.054.002
REDFL-Redfish Lake (17060201) 522.303.615.005
REDFLC-Redfish Lake Creek (17060201) 522.303.615
REDMOC-Redmont Creek, tributary to Little Sheep Creek, Imnaha drainage (17060102) 522.308.032.005.040
REDP-Red River Rearing Pond (17060305) 522.
REDR-Red River (17060305) 522.224.120.101
REDRSF-South Fork Red River (17060305) 522.
REDTRP-Red River Trap (17060305) 522.
REECEC-Reecer Creek, Tributary to Yakima River (17030001) 539.248
RELIEC-Relief Creek (17060305) 522.
RESVRC-Reservoir Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.092.019
REYNOC-Reynolds Creek, tributary to John Day River (17070201) 351.430
RGRSPC-Roger's Spring Creek, Middle Fork Hood River (17070105) 273.023.005
RI2BYP-RIS - Release into the PH2 Juvenile Facility Bypass Flume/Pipe (17020010) 730
RICEC-Rice Creek, SF Salmon River (17060208) 522.303.215.129
RICEIS-Rice Island (17080006) 034
RICHIS-Richland Island, Columbia River (17020016) 545
RINH-Ringold Hatchery (17020016) 567
RIS-Rock Island Dam (17020010) 730
RISFWC-Rock Island Forebay Waterbird Colony (17020010) 730
RISMRT-RIS - Mortality Recovery (17020010) 730
RISTAL-RIS - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17020010) 730
RIVERP-Riverside Acclimation Pond (17020006) 858.064
RLCTRP-Redfish Lake Creek Trap (17060201) 522.303.615.003
ROARC-Roaring Creek, Entiat River Basin (17020010) 778.010
ROBU-Round Butte Hatchery (17070306) *
ROCK2C-Rock Creek, Columbia River (WA) (17070101) 368
ROCK3C-Rock Creek, tributary to Chiwawa River (17020011) 754.077.035
ROCK4C-Rock Creek, tributary to John Day River (17070204) 351.034
ROCK5C-Rock Creek, Tributary to Naches River (17030002) 539.187.054
ROCK6C-Rock Creek, tributary to upper Grande Ronde River (17060104) 522.271.267
ROCKC-Rock Creek, tributary to East Fork Lewis River (17080002) 140.006.042
ROCKIS-Rock Island, Columbia River near Boardman, OR. (17070101) 441
ROCKYC-Rocky Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.089.023
ROLFIP-Rolfing Acclimation Pond, Wenatchee River Basin (17020011) 754.089.021
ROSAD-Roza Dam (Archaic - replaced with ROZ) (17030001) 539.206
ROU-Round Butte Dam (17070306) 328.177
ROUFTF-ROU - Release into the Fish Transfer Facility (17070306) 328.177
ROUTAL-ROU - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17070306) 328.177
ROZ-Roza Dam (17030001) 539.206
ROZBYP-ROZ - Release into the Facility Bypass Flume/Pipe (17030001) 539.206
ROZFBY-ROZ - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17030001) 539.206
ROZLDR-ROZ - Release into the Adult Fish Ladder (17030001) 539.206
ROZTAL-ROZ - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17030001) 539.206
RPDTRP-Rapid River Smolt Trap (17060210) 522.303.140.007.006
RRE-Rocky Reach Dam (17020010) 763
RREBYP-RRE - Release into the Facility Bypass Flume/Pipe (17020010) 763
RRERRR-RRE - Release below the PIT-Tag Diversion System Gate with subsequent Return to the River at the Facility (17020010) 763
RRETAL-RRE - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17020010) 763
RSNAKC-Rattlesnake Creek- Naches Subbasin (17030002) 539.187.045
RSNANF-North Fork Rattlesnake Creek - Tributary to Rattlesnake Creek (17030002) 539.187.045.012
RSSNIS-Russian Island, Columbia River Estuary (17080006) 036
RUBYC-Ruby Creek, Secesh River (17060208) 522.303.215.059.048
RUNNIC-Running Creek (17060301) 522.
RUSHC-Rush Creek, tributary of Big Creek, Middle Fork Salmon River (17060206) 522.303.319.029.011
RUSHWF-West Fork Rush Creek, Big Creek watershed, MF Salmon River (17060206) 522.303.319.029.011.013
RUSSC-Russell Creek, tributary to Yellowhawk Creek (17070102) 509.070.009
RWNPBL-Rufus Woods Net Pens RV Park/Boat Launch (17020005) 924
RYANC-Ryan Creek, Umatilla River (17070103) 465.132
SABEC-Sabe Creek (17060207) 522.303.272
SADLRC-Saddler Creek, tributary to Priest River (17010215) 1195.152.006
SAEFSF-East Fork South Fork Salmon River (17060208) 522.303.215.060
SALEFT-East Fork Salmon River Trap (17060201) 522.303.552.029
SALEFW-East Fork Salmon River Weir (Archaic - use SALEFT) (17060201) 522.303.552.030
SALMF1-Middle Fork Salmon River - mouth to Loon Creek (km 0-73) (17060206) 522.303.319
SALMF2-Middle Fork Salmon River - Loon Creek to headwaters (km 73-170) (17060205) 522.303.319
SALMOC-Salmon Creek (tributary to Okanogan River) (17020006) 858.041
SALR1-Salmon River - mouth to above French Creek (km 0-171) (17060209) 522.303
SALR2-Salmon River - above French Creek to Middle Fork Salmon River (km 171-319) (17060207) 522.303
SALR3-Salmon River - Middle Fork Salmon River to Pahsimeroi River (km 319-489) (17060203) 522.303
SALR4-Salmon River - Pahsimeroi River to headwaters (km 489-650) (17060201) 522.303
SALREF-East Fork Salmon River (17060201) 522.303.552
SALRMF-Middle Fork Salmon River (Archaic - replaced with reach-specific definitions) (17060206) 522.303.319
SALRNF-North Fork Salmon River (17060203) 522.303.381
SALRSF-South Fork Salmon River (17060208) 522.303.215
SALSFW-South Fork Salmon River Weir (17060208) 522.303.215.115
SALTC-Salt Creek, tributary to Big Sheep Creek, Imnaha drainage (17060102) 522.308.032.053
SALTRP-Salmon Trap (17060209) 522.303.103
SANBNC-Sanborn Creek, tributary to Priest River (17010215) 1195.152.008
SANPR-Sanpoil River (17020004) 981
SANPWF-West Fork Sanpoil River (17020004) 981.076
SANTIR-Santiam River, Oregon (17090005) 163.174
SATUSC-Satus Creek, Yakima River (17030003) 539.112
SAWT-Sawtooth Hatchery (17060201) 522.303.617
SAWTRP-Sawtooth Trap (17060201) 522.303.617
SBSLMA-Steamboat Slough Marsh, Lower Columbia (17080003) 055
SCAPPB-Scappoose Bay, Oregon (17090012) 139.003
SCAPPC-Scappoose Creek (17090012) 139.003.004
SCHAFC-Schafer Creek, Klickitat River Basin (17070106) 290.063.003
SECESR-Secesh River (17060208) 522.303.215.059
SECTRP-Secesh River Screw Trap (17060208) 522.303.215.059.007
SEGRBL-Seatons Grove Boat Launch (17020005) 940
SELWY1-Selway River - mouth to Moose Creek (km 0-65) (17060302) 522.224.120.037
SELWY2-Selway River - Moose Creek to headwaters (km 65-147) (17060301) 522.224.120.037
SERH-Sea Resources Hatchery (Chinook River, Washington) (17080006) 006.006
SFCHEW-South Fork Chewelah Creek (17020003) 1121.073.003
SFCTRP-South Fork Clearwater River Rotary Screw Trap (17060305) 522.224.120.009
SFLBC-South Fork Little Boulder Creek (17020002) 1031.039.008
SFSRKT-South Fork Salmon Trap at Krassel (17060208) 522.303.215.063
SFSTRP-SF Salmon River Trap (Archaic - replaced with SALRSF or KNOXB) (17060208) 522.303.215.118
SGOLDC-South Fork Gold Creek, Methow River watershed (17020008) 843.035.002
SHATFD-Shatford Creek, tributary to Shingle Creek (Canada) (17020006) 858.195.009
SHEEPC-Sheep Creek (17060207) 522.303.188
SHEP2C-Sheep Creek, tributary to Grande Ronde River (17060106) 522.271.130
SHEPC-Sheep Creek, Middle Fork Salmon River (17060206) 522.303.319.049
SHERFT-Sherars Falls Fishway Trap, Deschutes River (17070306) 328.071
SHIMC-Shimmihorn Creek, Umatilla River (17070103) 465.145.008
SHINGC-Shingle Creek - tributary to Okanagan River (Canada) (17020006) 858.195
SHP-Swift Hydroelectric Project (17080002) 140.070
SHPFBY-SHP - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17080002) 140.070
SHPTAL-SHP - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17080002) 140.070
SHTIKC-Shitike Creek, Deschutes River Basin (17070306) 328.155
SHUTTC-Shuttleworth Creek - tributary to Okanagan River (Canada) (17020006) 858.175
SILVEC-Silver Creek, tributary to Entiat River (17020010) 778.053
SIMCNF-North Fork Simcoe Creek, Toppenish Creek drainage (17030003) 539.130.053.030
SIMCOC-Simcoe Creek, Toppenish Creek drainage (17030003) 539.130.053
SIMILP-Similkameen Acclimation Pond (replaces archaic SIMP) (17020007) 858.119.008
SIMILR-Similkameen River (17020007) 858.119
SIMP-Similkameen Pond (Archaic - replaced by SIMILP) (17020007) 941.121.008
SIXMIC-Sixmile Creek, tributary to Clearwater River (17060306) 522.224.096
SKA-Skaha Dam (17020006) 858.177
SKAHAL-Skaha Lake (17020006) 858.180
SKAM-Skamania Hatchery, WDFW (17080001) 193.024.001
SKATAL-SKA - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17020006) 858.177
SKIPAR-Skipanon River (17080006) 013.003
SKIPAW-Skipanon Waterway (17080006) 013
SLAT2C-Slate Creek, upper Salmon River (17060201) 522.303.576
SLATEC-Slate Creek, lower Salmon River (17060209) 522.303.106
SLFTIS-Sheepy Lake Floating Tern Island (18010204) ___
SLOCR-Slocan River, tributary to Kootenai River (17010110) 1240.016
SMILEC-Smiley Creek (17060201) 522.303.644
SMITHC-Smith Creek, Big Creek watershed, MF Salmon River (17060206) 522.303.319.029.054
SNAKE1-Snake River - mouth to Palouse River (km 0-96) (17060110) 522
SNAKE2-Snake River - Palouse River to Clearwater River (km 96-224) (17060107) 522
SNAKE3-Snake River - Clearwater River to Salmon River (km 224-303) (17060103) 522
SNAKE4-Snake River - Salmon River to Hells Canyon Dam (km 303-397) (17060101) 522
SNANAC-South Nanamkin Creek - tributary to Sanpoil River (17020004) 981.053
SNDTAP-Sandtrap Acc. Ponds, EF Hood River (17070105) 273.023.010
SNKTRP-Snake Trap (17060103) 522.225
SNOSLC-Snowslide Creek, Big Creek watershed, MF Salmon River (17060206) 522.303.319.029.038.009
SNYDEC-Snyder Creek, Klickitat River (17070106) 290.023
SPALD-Spalding, Clearwater River (17060306) 522.224.018
SPOKR1-Spokane River - mouth to Hangman Creek (km 0-121) (17010307) 1020
SPOKR2-Spokane River - Hangman Creek to Coeur d'Alene Lake (km 121-183) (17010305) 1020
SPRAGL-Sprague Lake, Washington (17060108) ___
SPRC-Spring Creek National Fish Hatchery (17070105) 269
SPRCKT-Spring Creek Screw Trap (17020008) 843.081
SPRF-Springfield Fish Hatchery (17040206) *
SPRN2C-Spring Creek, tributary to Spokane River (17010307) 1020.050
SPRNGC-Spring Creek tributary to Methow River (17020008) 843.081
SQAW2C-Archaic - replaced by PAASNA (17060201) 522.303.564
SQAW3C-Archaic - replaced by WALALC (17070101) 368.014
SQAW4C-Archaic - replaced by WIWAAC (17070203) 351.298.052.114
SQAWC-Archaic - replaced by ISQUUC (17070103) 465.124
SQUAWC-Archaic - replaced by WAWAAC (17060303) 522.
SQUAWP-Archaic - replaced by PAANAP (17060201) 522.303.564.001
SSANTR-South Santiam River, Oregon (17090006) 163.174.019
SSD-Sunnyside Dam (17030003) 539.167
SSDSRR-SSD - Release into the Separator Return Flume/Pipe with Direct Return to the River (17030003) 539.167
SSDTAL-SSD - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17030003) 539.167
SSIDEC-Sunnyside Canal - headgate to diversion screen (km 000-001) (17030003) 539.167
SSIDES-Sunnyside Screen (Archaic - use SSIDEC) (17030003) 539.167.001
STAFFC-Stafford Creek - Tributary to North Fork Teanaway River (17030001) 539.284.017.013
STANLC-Stanley Lake Creek (17060201) 522.303.609.009
STANLE-Stanley; Gage 2945 (Archaic - use SALR4) (17060201) 522.303.609
STAPAC-Stapaloop Creek, in Okanogan River basin (17020006) 858.052.022
STFH-Spokane Tribal Hatchery (17010307) 1020.057.007.001
STMARP-St Marys Acclimation Pond (17020006) 858.052.010
STOLP-Stolle Pond (17060208) 522.303.215.125
STOR2C-Stormy Creek, tributary to Entiat River (17020010) 778.031
STORMC-Storm Creek (17060303) 522.
SUGARC-Sugar Creek, SF Salmon River Basin (17060208) 522.303.215.060.043
SUL-Sullivan Hydroelectric Plant, Willamette Falls (17090007) 163.043
SULBPS-SUL - Release into the PIT-Tag Diversion System between the Diversion Gate and the furthest downstream PIT-Tag Detector (17090007) 163.043
SULBYP-SUL - Release into the Facility Bypass Flume/Pipe (17090007) 163.043
SULFBY-SUL - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17090007) 163.043
SULFDS-SUL - Release above the Fish Diversion Screen (17090007) 163.043
SULFUC-Sulphur Creek, Middle Fork Salmon River (17060205) 522.303.319.150
SULSEP-SUL - Release into the Flume downsteam of the Collection/Bypass Gate or into the Separator (17090007) 163.043
SULTRB-SUL - Release into Turbine(s) (17090007) 163.043
SUMI2C-Summit Creek, Middle Fork John Day River Basin (17070203) 351.298.052.114
SUMI3C-Summit Creek, Klickitat River Basin (17070106) 290.060
SUMITC-Summit Creek, Secesh River Basin (17060208) 522.303.215.059.045
SUMMC-Summer Creek, tributary to Lookingglass Creek (17060104) 522.271.137.016
SWALEC-Swale Creek - tributary to Klickitat River (17070106) 290.028
SWAUKC-Swauk Creek, tributary to Yakima River (17030001) 539.274
SWEETC-Sweetwater Creek, Lapwai Creek watershed (17060306) 522.224.019.010
SWLWPK-Swallows Park, Snake River at Clarkston, WA. (17060103) 522.229
SWSP-Sweetwater Springs Rearing Facility (17060306) *
TANESF-South Fork Taneum Creek - Tributary to Taneum Creek (17030001) 539.271.020
TANEUC-Taneum Creek, Yakima River Basin (17030001) 539.271
TANNEC-Tanner Creek, Columbia River below Bonneville Dam (17080001) 232
TBRKFK-Table Rock Fork, tributary to Molalla River (17090009) 163.057.061
TDA-The Dalles Dam (17070105) 308
TDAICE-TDA - Release into the Ice/Trash Sluiceway (17070105) 308
TDAMRT-TDA - Mortality Recovery (17070105) 308
TDASPF-TDA - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Spillway (17070105) 308
TDASPL-TDA - Release directly into Spill Bay(s) (17070105) 308
TDASPT-TDA - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Spillway (17070105) 308
TDATAL-TDA - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17070105) 308
TDATRB-TDA - Release into Turbine(s) (17070105) 308
TDBPAT-BPA towers in The Dalles Dam forebay (17070105) 308
TDLPI-Lone Pine Island and associated unnamed islands near The Dalles Dam (17070105) 307
TDTMI-Three Mile Island group near The Dalles Dam (17070105) 307
TEANAR-Teanaway River (17030001) 539.284
TEANMF-Middle Fork Teanaway River (17030001) 539.284.020
TEANWF-West Fork Teanaway River (17030001) 539.284.020
TENMC2-Tenmile Creek, tributary to Snake River (17060103) 522.237
TENMIC-Tenmile Creek (17060305) 522.224.120.076
TENNAI-Tenasillahe Island, lower Columbia River (17080003) 060
TEPEEC-Tepee Creek, Klickitat River Basin (17070106) 290.063.016
TEPEEF-East Fork Tepee Creek, Klickitat River Basin (17070106)
TEXASC-Texas Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.092
TEXC-Tex Creek, South Fork John Day River Basin (17070201) 351.341.027.025
THOMC-Thomas Creek, Umatilla River (17070103) 465.145.005
THOP-Thornhollow Acclimation Pond (17070103) 465.113
TID-Tieton Dam (17030002) 539.187.028.034
TIDFBY-TID - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17030002) 539.187.028.034
TIDTAL-TID - Release into the tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17030002) 539.187.028.034
TIETNF-North Fork Tieton River, Naches Basin (17030002) 539.187.028.037
TIETNR-Tieton River- Naches Subbasin (17030002) 539.187.028
TIETSF-South Fork Tieton River (17030002) 539.187.028.037
TILLIC-Tillicum Creek, tributary to Mad River (17020010) 778.017.003
TILLMC-Tillman Creek, tributary to Yakima River (17030001) 539.295
TMF-Three Mile Falls Dam (Umatilla River) (17070103) 465.005
TMFFBY-TMF - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17070103) 465.005
TMFTAL-TMF - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17070103) 465.005
TONASC-Tonasket Creek - tributary to Okanogan River (17020006) 858.133
TOPPEC-Toppenish Creek (17030003) 539.130
TOUCHR-Touchet River (17070102) 509.035
TOULOU-Toulou Creek, tributary to Kettle River (17020002) 1131.018
TOUT-North Toutle Hatchery, WDFW (17080005)
TOUTLR-Toutle River (17080005) 111.032
TOUTNF-North Fork Toutle River (17080005) 111.032.028
TOWERC-Tower Creek - tributary to Salmon River (17060203) 522.303.394
TRAILC-Trail Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.049.006.007
TRINR-Trinity River, tributary to Klamath River (18010211) ~~~
TRONC-Tronsen Creek, tributary of Peshastin Creek (17020011) 754.029.023
TROU2C-Trout Creek, Deschutes River Watershed (17070307) 328.140
TROUTC-Trout Creek (trib. to Wind River, Wash.) (17070105) 251.017
TRYOC-Tryon Creek, tributary to Willamette River (17090012) 163.032
TSHIMC-Tshimakain (Chamokane) Creek (17010307) 1020.057
TSUGCR-Tusgawa Creek, tributary to Mason Creek (17080002)
TTOWER-Transmission towers near Troutdale, OR (17080001) 190
TUCH-Tucannon River Hatchery (17060107) 522.100.058
TUCKEC-Tucker Creek, tributary to Yakima River (17030001) 539.321
TUCR-Tucannon River (17060107) 522.100
TUM-Tumwater Dam, Wenatchee River (17020011) 754.044
TUMFBY-TUM - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17020011) 754.044
TUNKC-Tunk Creek, Okanogan River Basin (17020006) 858.073
TURNCR-Turner Creek, tributary to Coweeman River (17080005) 111.002.015
TURO-Turtle Rock Pond (17020010) 765
TUTUIC-Tutuilla Creek, Umatilla River (17070103) 465.084
TWIS2P-Twisp Acclimation Pond (Methow Salmon Recovery Foundation) (17020008) 843.066.002
TWISPP-Twisp Acclimation Pond (WDFW) (17020008) 843.066.013
TWISPR-Twisp River (17020008) 843.066
TWISPW-Twisp River Weir (WDFW) (17020008) 843.066.013
TWITRP-Twisp River rotary smolt trap (17020008) 843.066.002
TWNMIC-Twentymile Creek (17060305) 522.224.120.069
TWNMIT-Twentymile Creek Trap (17060305) 522.
UKNWRC-Upper Klamath National Wildlife Refuge Avian Colonies (18010203) ___
UMAH-Umatilla Hatchery (17070101) *
UMAR-Umatilla River (17070103) 465
UMATNF-North Fork Umatilla River (17070103) 465.145
UMATSF-South Fork Umatilla River (17070103) 465.145
UMTANC-Umtanum Creek, Tributary to Yakima River (17030001) 539.225
USALCY-Upper Salmon Challis Rookery (17060201) 522.303.517
VALEYC-Valley Creek (17060201) 522.303.609
VASEUX-Vaseux Creek, tributary to Okanagan River (Canada) (17020006) 858.164
VATC-Vat Creek (17060201) 522.303.633.003
VDS3-Within 100m upstream of Vertical Drop Structure 3, Okanagan River (17020006) 858.149
VGISNB-Van Giesen Road Bridge, Yakima River (17030003) 539.014
VIENTC-Viento Creek, Columbia River Gorge (OR) (17070105) 258
VNGRC-Vinegar Creek, tributary to Middle Fork John Day River (17070203) 351.298.052.103
WAHA-Washougal Hatchery, WDFW (17080001) 193.032
WALALC-Walaluuks Creek, Rock Creek (WA) watershed, Columbia River (17070101) 368.014
WALH-Wallowa Hatchery (17060105) 522.
WALLAR-Walla Walla River (17070102) 509
WALLIS-Wallace Island, lower Columbia River near Clatskanie, OR (17080003) 080
WALLNF-North Fork Walla Walla River (17070102) 509.081
WALLOR-Wallowa River (17060105) 522.271.131
WALLSF-South Fork Walla Walla River (17070102) 509.081
WAN-Wanapum Dam (17020010) 669
WANACC-Wanacut Creek - tributary to Okanogan River (17020006) 858.057
WANBYP-WAN - Release into the Facility Bypass Flume/Pipe (17020010) 669
WANFBY-WAN - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17020010) 669
WANGWL-WAN - Release into Gatewell(s) (17020010) 669
WANLD1-WAN - Release into the Left Bank (East Shore) Adult Fish Ladder (17020010) 669
WANLD2-WAN - Release into the Right Bank (West Shore) Adult Fish Ladder (17020010) 669
WANMRT-WAN - Mortality Recovery (17020010) 669
WANSPL-WAN - Release directly into Spill Bay(s) (17020010) 669
WANTAL-WAN - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17020010) 669
WANTRB-WAN - Release into Turbine(s) (17020010) 669
WAP-Wapato Diversion Dam, Yakima River (17030003) 539.172
WAPATC-Wapato Canal - headgate to diversion screen (km 000-001) (17030003) 539.172
WAPATD-Wapato Dam (Archaic - replaced with WAP) (17030003) 539.172
WAPATS-Wapato Screen (Archaic) (17030003) 539.172.001
WAPSRR-WAP - Release into the Separator Return Flume/Pipe with Direct Return to the River (17030003) 539.172
WAPTAL-WAP - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17030003) 539.172
WAPTR-Waptus River, tributary to Cle Elum River (17030001) 539.299.034
WARMSC-Warm Springs Creek (17060303) 522.
WARMSR-Warm Springs River, Deschutes River Watershed (17070306) 328.135
WASHOR-Washougal River (17080001) 193
WASHWF-West Fork Washougal River (17080001) 193.024
WAWAAC-Wawaalamnime Creek, Lochsa River (17060303) 522.
WBIRDC-Whitebird Creek (17060209) 522.303.086
WCUPC-Waucup Creek, tributary to Meadow Creek (17060104) 522.271.290.030
WEBBC-Webb Creek, Lapwai Creek watershed (17060306) 522.
WEL-Wells Dam (17020005) 830
WELFBY-WEL - Release into the Forebay within 0.5 km upstream of Dam (17020005) 830
WELH-Wells Hatchery (17020005) 830
WELLD1-WEL - Release into the East Adult Fish Ladder (17020005) 830
WELLD2-WEL - Release into the West Adult Fish Ladder (17020005) 830
WELSBR-Starr Boat Ramp on west shore 5 km upstream of Wells Dam (17020005) 835
WELTAL-WEL - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17020005) 830
WENA2T-Upper Wenatchee smolt trap just below Lake Wenatchee (17020011) 754.086
WENA3T-Upper Wenatchee trap, 4km above Chiwawa River (17020011) 754.081
WENA4T-Lower Wenatchee trap, 2.8km below Mission Creek (17020011) 754.013
WENASC-Wenas Creek, Tributary to Yakima River (17030001) 539.197
WENATL-Lake Wenatchee (17020011) 754.090
WENATR-Wenatchee River (17020011) 754
WENATT-Wenatchee River trap at West Monitor Bridge (17020011) 754.010
WENR-Wenaha River (17060106) 522.271.073
WENRNF-North Fork Wenaha River (17060106) 522.271.073.035
WENRSF-South Fork Wenaha River (17060106) 522.271.073.035
WHEELC-Wheeler Canyon, tributary to Klickitat River (17070106) 290.018
WHITCC-White Cap Creek (17060301) 522.
WHITEC-White Creek, Klickitat River Basin (17070106) 290.063
WHITER-White River, Wenatchee River Basin (17020011) 754.090
WHITPC-Whitepine Creek, Wenatchee River Basin (17020011) 754.025
WHITSC-White Sand Creek - replaced by COLTKC (17060303) 522.
WHITSR-White Salmon River (17070105) 271
WHITWF-West Fork White Creek, Klickitat River Basin (17070106) 290.063.017
WHSH-Warrenton (OR) High School Hatchery (17080006) *
WIDOWC-Widows Creek, John Day River Basin (17070201) 351.354
WILD2C-Wildcat Creek - Tributary to Tieton River (17030002) 539.187.028.033
WILDCC-Wildcat Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.090.014.003
WILDSC-Wildhorse Spring Creek - tributary to Okanogan River (17020006) 858.114
WILH-Willamette Hatchery (ODFW) at Oakridge (17090001) *
WILL-Willard National Fish Hatchery (17070105) 261.009
WILL2C-Williams Creek - Tributary to Swauk Creek (17030001) 539.274.018
WILLIC-Williams Creek (17060201) 522.303.622
WILLR1-Willamette River - mouth to Willamette Falls (km 0-43) (17090012) 163
WILLR2-Willamette River - Willamette Falls to Santiam River (km 43-175) (17090007) 163
WILLR3-Willamette River - Santiam River to the confluence of the Middle and Coast forks of the Willamette River (km 175-301) (17090003) 163
WILLWC-Willow Creek, tributary to upper Grande Ronde River (17060104) 522.271.172
WILMOC-Wilmont Creek - tributary to Columbia River (17020001) 1046
WILRMF-Middle Fork Willamette River (17090001) 163.301
WILSN2-Wilson Creek, tributary to South Fork Chewelah Creek (17020003) 1121.073.003.015
WILSNC-Wilson Creek, Tributary to Yakima River (17030001) 539.237
WILSOC-Wilson Creek, Middle Fork Salmon River (17060206) 522.303.319.037
WIMPYC-Wimpey Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.020
WIND2R-Wind River, Washington (17070105) 251
WINDR-Wind River (17060207) 522.303.177
WINT-Winthrop National Fish Hatchery (17020008) 843.081
WINTBC-Rearing Pond in the back channel to Winthrop National Fish Hatchery (17020008) 843.081
WITHGC-Withington Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.021
WIWAAC-Wíwaanaytt Creek, Middle Fork John Day River Basin (17070203) 351.298.052.114
WLBP-Westland Bypass, Umatilla River (17070103) 465.043
WLCHIS-Welch Island, Lower Columbia (17080003) 000.050
WOLFC-Wolf Creek, Methow River (17020008) 843.085
WOODIS-Woody Island, Columbia River Estuary (17080006) 047
WOPTXD-Wapatox Dam (Archaic - replaced with WPX) (17030002) 539.187.028
WPX-Wapatox Diversion Dam, Naches River (17030002) 539.187.028
WPXTAL-WPX - Release into the Tailrace within 0.5 km downstream of Dam (17030002) 539.187.028
WRIGTC-Wright Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.049.014.005
WRNFMF-North Fork, Middle Fork Willamette River (17090001) 163.301.058
WRROOK-Wallowa River Heron Rookery (17060105) 522.271.131.068
WSPH-Warm Springs National Fish Hatchery (17070306) 328.135.016
WSRAHT-Warm Springs River Rotary Screw Trap Above Hatchery (17070306) 328.135.017
WSRMKN-Warm Springs River McKinley Arthur Screw Trap (17070306) 328.135.047
WYCHUC-Wychus Creek, Upper Deschutes River Basin (17070301) 328.198
WZDF-Wizard Falls Hatchery, ODFW (17070301) 328.177.053
YAKIM1-Yakima River - mouth to Naches River (km 0-187) (17030003) 539
YAKIM2-Yakima River - Naches River to headwaters (km 187-345) (17030001) 539
YANKFK-Yankee Fork Salmon River (17060201) 522.303.591
YANKWF-West Fork Yankee Fork Salmon River (17060201) 522.303.591.011
YELHKC-Yellowhawk Creek, Walla Walla River (17070102) 509.070
YELLJC-Yellowjacket Creek, tributary of Camas Creek, Middle Fork Salmon River (17060206) 522.303.319.057.007
YELLLC-Yellowbelly Lake Creek (17060201) 522.303.633.001
YOUNGB-Youngs Bay, tributary to the Columbia River (17080006) 008
YPPL-Yellow Pine Pit Lake, East Fork South Fork Salmon River (17060208) 522.303.215.060.042
YRIANC-Yearian Creek, Lemhi River Basin (17060204) 522.303.416.057
ZENAC-Zena Creek, Secesh River Basin (17060208) 522.303.215.059.005
ZENAWF-West Fork Zena Creek, Secesh River Basin (17060208) 522.303.
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