Data, summaries, and visualizations

Columbia Basin Research (CBR) provides access to public Information on salmon, steelhead, resident fish species, regulated river operations, and environmental conditions related to river, estuary, ocean, and climate.

The information is provided through interactive, query-based website tools for effective access, analysis, and evaluation of fish and water resources.

DART (Columbia River Basin, Pacific Northwest) and SacPAS (Central Valley, California) are CBR's second-tier databases of historical, real-time, and predicted data drawn from regional primary-tier databases.

Multiple tools on the Trends webpage are publicly accessible and provide time series of historical performance measures calculated from observed data. On the Predictions webpage, which includes Inseason Forecasts, CBR provides juvenile and adult salmonid stocks run-timing and water quality predictions for the current season.


CBR provides free statistical software that researchers can independently use to determine sample size, process tagging data, and extract key parameters such as survival and route selection probabilities.

Most of CBR's software is provided as desktop applications and more recently, the addition of several R packages.

YouTube videos are available for many packages, and CBR staff are also happy to provide more direct assistance.