Message Time: January 22 2025 00:55:01.
DART PIT Tag Subbasins Detection Site Observation Summary and Detection Details
Data Courtesy of Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
PIT Tag Instream Arrays & Subbasin Queries
Related Queries
Query Notes
- This is a complex report and may take several minutes to complete.
- For Winter runs, select Observation Year for the start year, select "Span Calendar Years" for Date Range Type, and enter Start Date and End Date for Date Range. Date Range years are determined by selections for Observation Year and Date Range Type.
- If releases are missing from the results, try the query again with Not Strict Basin RKM option checked. DART uses release rkm and site rkm to determine inclusion and exclusion in a selected basin or tributary. For example, with this option checked, releases with River KM of 754.089 and 754.089.001 would "match" for Nason Creek. With strict match, 754.089.001 designates Nason Creek where as 754.089 designates a release on the Wenatchee River. Strict match is the query default.
- Currently, DART is updating the underlying Recapture Dataset and the Coil Interrogation Dataset on a weekly basis. First and Last Observations from the Interrogation Dataset are updated daily.
- Available detection coverage in basins vary widely as new instream arrays are installed in tributaries. Please consult the PIT Tag Subbasins - Interrogation Sites, Recapture Locations, and Year Ranges table for DART detection year ranges at interrogation sites and recapture locations within a basin.
- For the most complete basin reporting, select the Include Recapture Dataset option. Several basins make use of the recapture dataset to report observations at sites that are not official PTAGIS interrogation sites. The default setting is to include the recapture dataset.
- Detection Details include the detection histories for fish released or detected in the Selected Tributary/Basin. Included in Detection Details report is analysis of Release Type and Observation Type for released and detected fish.
- Release Type Categories:
- Selected Tributary/Basin release.
- Other Defined Basin release, not mainstem/migration corridor.
- Mainstem/migration corridor release above Selected Tributary/Basin, not basin fish.
- Mainstem/migration corridor release below Selected Tributary/Basin, could be basin fish.
- Tagged as Adults, could be basin fish.
- Tagged as Adults in Selected Tributary/Basin, could be basin fish.
- Observation Type Categories:
- Y: Selected Tributary/Basin detection for Selected Tributary/Basin release.
- U: Unknown, Selected Tributary/Basin detection for unknown natal stream, tagged as adult.
- WB: Wander/Stray; Other Defined Basin detection for Selected Tributary/Basin release.
- WM: Wander/Stray; Mainstem detection above John Day for Selected Tributary/Basin release.
- WS: Wander/Stray; Snake (migration corridor) detection for Selected Tributary/Basin release.
- WC: Wander/Stray; Upper Columbia (migration corridor) detection for Selected Tributary/Basin release.
- O: Other, Selected Tributary/Basin detection for Other Defined Basin release.
- JA: : Jack, chinook migrating upstream 1 year after release.
- MJ: : Minijack, chinook migrating upstream in the same year as release.
- K: Kelt, downstream migration for steelhead having already completed migration at least once, i.e., observed in expected basin as adult or tagged as adult. Very strict/cautious criteria are applied for Kelt. Fish are labeled Kelt once detected below McNary. Tagging Flag Code and Recapture Flag "KL" are included in report, but are not currently part of the criteria.
- RS: Repeat Spawner, return migration for fish having already completed migration at least once, i.e., observed in expected basin as adult or tagged as adult.
- G: Ghost/Shed Tag, (1) detected 3 or more years after last detection for all tagged as adults (2) detected 5 years after last detection for all stages and species (3) steelhead tagged as juvenile with first detection 4 or more years after tagging (4) salmon tagged as juvenile with first detection 2 or more years after tagging (5) all tagged as adults with first detection 2 or more years after tagging.
- Release Type Categories:
- Detection Details output tables contain many columns and the tables are very wide. Use the browser "Zoom Out" feature (menu option View->Zoom->Zoom Out or keyboard combination Ctrl -) to reduce text size and display more columns on screen.
- CSV file is provided for the Detection Details reports.
This is a complex query that aggregates PTAGIS Tagging dataset, PTAGIS Recapture dataset, PTAGIS Interrogation dataset, and the DART Life Stage Filter. DART strives to the best of its ability to correctly categorize the life stage of each fish at each detection into three stages: Adult, Juvenile, and Unknown. A life stage of Adult, Juvenile, or Unknown is assigned to each salmonid PIT Tag detection using PTAGIS data specifications of migration year, release year, release length, observation year, release site, capture method, tagging comments, detection sequences, travel time, detection location and other criteria to determine the stage of the PIT-tagged fish at the time of the detection. However, there will be miscategorized fish. The query bases further analysis on the detection stage of the fish and values in the Tagging dataset, Recapture dataset and Interrogation dataset (length, release date, release/recapture/detection river km, detection date, detection/recapture site). This may lead to misidentification of fish at detection as Kelt, Repeat Spawners, Ghost, Minijack and/or Jack. It is the responsibility of the user to verify the parameter values for any particular individual tag. DART welcomes inquiries into any categorization of a particular tag_id. We appreciate your assistance with the improvement of these analyses.
Notes on the DART PIT TAG Dataset
On a daily basis, we upload a daily file from PTAGIS, the primary source, into the Columbia River DART PIT TAG dataset. The Columbia River DART PIT TAG dataset does not include orphan tags (tags that have been detected but are not yet associated with a particular release). On a weekly basis, we synchronize the Columbia River DART PIT TAG dataset with year-to-date data from PTAGIS.
Additional Information:
- PIT Tag Release Sites - report includes Site Code, Site Name, River KM, and Hydrounit
- PIT Tag "Standard" Species, Run, Rear Type Combinations (as reported by PSMFC)
- PIT Tag Specification Document
- PTAGIS Interrogation Site Metadata
We appreciate your input and assistance with the improvement of the DART PIT Tag Basin queries. Please email your suggestions, comments, and/or questions about the DART PIT Tag Basin queries to the DART Team.