What can I explore to get a better sense of the different types of models on the SacPAS website?
There are different types of models, including simple calculations, statistical models, combinations of submodels, and mechanistic models. Below are some examples of the different types of models that report results on the SacPAS website. A few things you may want to think about are: 1) whether and how uncertainty is estimated and reported, 2) whether the model has the capacity to be updated with real-time data and also provide forecasts, and 3) whether different models answering the same question yield similar or different results and what that may mean.
Simple Calculations
Trends (e.g., 10-year trend by decade in SARs of coded-wire-tagged fish)
Mark-recapture modeling with time-varying covariates and temporally stratified multistate mark–recapture modeling to estimate survival, travel time, and routing (Perry et al. 2018; Hance et al. 2021)
Model for forecasting the Juvenile Production Estimate that includes variance associated with observation error in the Juvenile Production Index, fry-to-smolt survival, and smolt survival (Method 2 in O’Farrell et al. 2018)
Total passage estimates at RBDD, model that includes trap efficiency modeling, estimated variance in weekly or biweekly sampling periods, and fry-equivalent estimates (Voss and Poytress 2023)